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But it was too late to stop or move over, I had already collided with the car.


I awoke to my phone ringing obnoxiously. I groaned and answered it without looking, "Hello?" I asked and then cleared my throat since my voice was raspy.

"Hey, its past three on the afternoon I was just making sure you were alive." I hear Julian say. I instantly stood up from my bed and grabbed the first outfit I saw.

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry Julian. I'll be there in like ten minutes." I say, shoving a pair of jeans on my pale legs. "Hey, calm down. I clocked you in so you go get lunch and then come to work." He says.

"Thanks but you didn't-"

"Don't start with the selfless-humbleness, Noelle. Go get food, for fucks sake. Its the least I can do for practically loosing you last night." He says genuinely.

Losing me last night?

"You lost me last night?" I ask. I tried gaining some source of memory but came up blank. All I remember is taking a body shot off of another girl then everything's blurry.

"Well yeah, I still don't know how you navigated home you must be related to Sacajowea or something." He says and my eyebrows furrow.

I never even knew my ethnicity - I was just kind of dropped off at an orphanage as a toddler - I figured it was possible to be Native American or Italian, maybe even kiwi throughout the years but I'll never know.


I did get food, for Julian and I, and still made it to work within twenty minutes. I handed him his bag of food since I stuffed mine down my throat at various different red lights and he takes the bag from the counter with a salute.

"Gracias, Noelle." He says and instantly removes the wrapper from a burger, taking a huge bite.

I had went straight towards where we keep the boxes filled with new releases. I grabbed one and went to where they needed to be placed.

I kept blacking out while I was stacking books, I would just stand there and not realize what I was doing.

Not knowing what all that happened last night was killing me as well as my headache.

"You alright?" Cade asks, snapping me out of my daze. I look at him and nod. "Good, because I'm going on my lunch break." He says, putting a box full of books that needed to be stacked in my hands. I stumbled backwards a bit on how heavy they were and sighed.

I wasn't fond of the new guy.

When it was finally closing time, I was alone and tired even though I slept extremely late. I had clocked out and locked the front doors as I usually do.

It wasn't Barnes & Noble or not even Half-Priced Books, it was just a small book store owned by an elderly Asian woman who never came by to check on things.

She had known me for nearly four years and Julian for one, she trusted the both of us probably more than she should.

As I was driving home, my mind was wondering all over place, mainly since I was clueless as to what exactly happened last night.

Julian had informed me that I made out with a girl, but other than that I was just just whining for pizza and then he lost me, not even before 2am. I still had all night to account for and if I had to worry about a mobster coming to kill me or buying prenatal vitamins.

I had driven home in silence, I had forgot my phone at home and I refused to listen to the hot mess that usually played on the radio. I had pulled up into my driveway and made sure to lock the doors to my Nissan.

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