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I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes.

i wandered down to the kitchen and saw Mic, Aizawa and Shinsou in there, Shinsou was sitting at the table with Mic while Aizawa was cooking.

"what are we having?" i asked, sitting down next to Shinsou.

"Aizawas cooking pancakes" he replied looking up from his book.

"morning Listener! are you okay from last night? Aizawa told me what happened" Mic asked me.

"y-yeah im fine, i-im sorry about all that" i sighed.

"Its okay Izuku, now what do you want on your pancakes? we have strawberries, blueberries and golden syrup" Aizawa called from the stove.

"um, just s-syrup please"

"alright, how many?"

"just o-one"

"are you sure Izuku?" Shinsou questioned.

"i-im sure"

"oh Izuku, we enrolled you into UA High!" Mic piped up "you start today"

"heres your uniform, your in Class 1A with me, and sadly we have to deal with the old coffee obsessed sleepy man as out teacher, aka Aizawa" Shinsou handed me a bag.

"i hope the uniform fits alright" Aizawa smiled.

i thanked them and went upstairs to put the uniform on.

i was waiting for Shinsou and Aizawa at the front door when i saw something.

a cat.

i sat down and started to stroke it.

"i see you've meet Hyo"

i jumped and turned around to see Shinsou at the bottom of the stairs.

"you guys have a cat and you didnt tell me?"

"she isnt really our cat, shes a stray who pops around sometimes, youll see more of her, i think she likes you" Aizawa popped hhis head around from the kitchen where he had just finished washing up.

"GUYS WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE WE NEED TO GO!" Mic yelled as he fell down the stairs.

i flinched at the sudden loud noise, but Aizawa and Shinsou were preoccupied with getting Mic up off the ground.

we pulled up to a big building, which i assumed was UA High, my new school.

"Welp, here we are, Mic has to go to his classroom, but me Izuku and Shinsou will go too 1A" Aizawa opened the front door to the school and let us in.

once Mic had gone to his classroom i followed Shinsou and Aizawa down a long hallway, passing classes untill we reached one with a sign that said 1A.

"Izuku, this is your class now" Shinsou walked into the room and i followed with Aizawa behind me.

As i walked in all eyes in the room landed on me.


i fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Problem children, this is the newest Problem child Izuku, Izuku why dont you go sit down next to Shinsou at the back there" Aizawa introduced me, pointing to the back where Shinsou was now sitting.

i nodded and walked down to Shinsou, i could tell everyone had their eyes trained on me.

i pulled up a seat and sat down at the desk.

"Psst, Deku"

i froze and looked beside me.


Abused/Adopted Deku/DadzawaWhere stories live. Discover now