-confrontation 1-

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i opened my eyes to a bright white light, i quickly shut them again, and tried to open them and readjust myself.

i slowly sat up,  and gripped my shoulder as it throbbed in pain.

i swung my legs out of the hospital bed i was in, and shakily stood up, tripping as i stumbled.

i landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Izuku? Oh god!" Shinsous voice came towards me.

"T-Toshi? where a-am i?"

"your in Recovery Girls office" he helped me up and put me back on the bed.

"ill go get her and Aizawa" he left to get the two.

i lay there staring at the ceiling, hoping that they didnt see the old scars that were all over my body from the Orphanage.

i turned my head as i heard footsteps enter the room.

"Midoryia! you scared us a bit there" Recovery Girl exlaimed "you should be able to leave in about 10-20 minutes, i just need to give you a quick check up, shouldnt take to long"

"O-okay" i stammered.

once i had left the office with Aizawa and Shinsou we drove home since i had been out all day.

we walked through the door and took off our shoes.

"Hey Shinsou why dont you head upstairs, i want to have a talk with Izuku" Aizawa told Shinsou.

"Alright Aizawa"

i started to sweat, hoping that it wouldnt be anything to serious.

"Izuku, sit down on the couch"

i obeyed and started bouncing my leg up and down.

he doesnt want you any more the voice inside my head whispered.

n-no, he does want me still i argued.

he thinks your just a big burden, your useless

Bakugos voice started replaying in my mind.

"just take a swan dive off the roof of a building and pray for no quirk in your next life, or even better, pray for a quirk that you can use to actually save someone"

he really did say that.

we were in our old classroom, and Bakugo had just thrown my hero notebook n.13 out the window.

i dont know why i didnt use my quirk, i guess i just dont like using it, in fear that people will hurt me for it.


"y-yes? i-im s-sorry" i said, snapping out of it.

"are you okay? you were bouncing your leg, and you had a pained expression on your face"

"I-im f-fine sir-A-Aizawa"

"are you sure?"

"y-yes, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"those scars all over your body"

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