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My eyes fluttered open, and i felt a weight on my body.

I looked at my chest to see Shinsou was asleep on top of me, Aizawa was lying on my left side, and Mic on the right.


i was stuck.

i lay there for a few seconds, until what happened yesterday came flooding back into my mind.

Shinsou seeing.

We told Mic and Aizawa.

Why did Shinsou have to find me, it would all be fine if he had just stayed upstairs! he was probably lieing last night, they all were, they dont want me, none of them do, im just a fat useless burden on their family my thoughts spiralled.

i got up, carefully so i didnt wake the others, and ran to my room, on the verge of a panic attack.

Shinsous room.

not my room.

it could never be my room, this is all Shinsous stuff, all i have is a box full of worthless notebooks, filled with worthless information of Heroes that everyone knows.

i picked up the box and ran to Shinsous desk, and started tearing the notebooks up, tears streaming down my cheeks spilling onto the shredded paper.

"Izuku! Why are you ripping up your notebooks?" Shinsou asked, walking into the room.

I just stared at two notebooks worth of paper lying in a pile infront of me.

"T-the notebooks are worthless, all i w-wrote was Information about H-heroes that everyone already k-knows" i wiped away my tears.

"Alright, tell me one thing you wrote about Mic or Aizawa that you think i would know" He sat down on his bed and waited.

"u-um, Miss M-Midnight Is The Hero That Actually P-pushed Aizawa Into Becoming A-a Teacher" i stammered.

"see, i didnt know that, but know i do, the notebooks arent worthless, you have clearly spent a long time working on them, you should be proud, how many did you rip up?"

"t-two" i whispered.

"okay, how many did you have?"

"a-about 13'

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