-The Accident (Bakugos POV)-

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Deku ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway.

Damn nerd

"DEKU! COME BACK!" I yelled after him, beginning to chase him.

I followed him out of the school and he ran across the road.

I stopped in horror.

A truck was driving straight at him.

"DEKU NO!" I yelled out, but it was too late.

I watched as he got flung over onto the concrete on the road, blood pooling on the ground beneath him.

I ran to where he was lying, and pulled out my phone to call an ambulance.

"Oh shit! Oh my god oh my god oh my god, what did i do?!?" The driver of the truck cried, kneeling beside me.

"911 whats your emergency?" The dispatcher answered.

"I need an ambulance, my friend just got hit by a truck, we are outside UA Highschool"

"Ok Sir, ill send one over now, is your friend hurt?"

"Uh, yeah, hes bleeding from his head"

"Ok, have you moved or touched him at all?"

"No, no i havent"

"Ok, do you have anything that you can slightly prop his head up on?"

"uhh, i dont know" I turned to the man beside me "Do you have anything we can prop his head on?"

"Yeah i do i have a pillow, ill go grab it" he went back to his truck.

"Ok, we have a pillow"

"Okay thats great, alright, press something on the wound and wait for the ambulance, it shouldnt be long, and if you are still on the road, try and stop the cars from coming through where you are if possible" They told me.

"okay thank you so much"

I hung up then grabbed Dekus phone from his pocket and called Mr Aizawa.

"Hey Izuku, where you?" He picked up.

"Mr Aizawa its Bakugo, Deku just got hit by a truck, we are outside the school" I said quickly and then hung up.

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