-The Final Battle-

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"Thats right Izuku Midoriya! We're here to kill you all!" He yelled to the heroes who were still there.

"Alright, kids you need to get out of here!" Aizawa yelled to the UA students.



A few Pro Heroes ran up to stop Shigaraki from getting any closer, causing the rest of the villains to charge forward.

"Babe! Go help Uraraka and Todoroki!" Shinso yelled at me "I'll go help Tokoyami and Sato!"

"Okay, be careful!"

I ran over to where Uraraka and Todoroki were fighting a villain with some sort of blade quirk.

I quickly touched his shoulder and began to use his quirk against him.

"Midoriya! Your using your quirk!" Uraraka cried.

I took out the guy and stopped my quirk.

"Good job Midoriya!" Todoroki praised me.

"Thanks Todoroki!"

We were interrupted by two more villains, one who seemed to have an ice quirk, and the other a tiger quirk.

I punched the ice guy, copying his quirk, while i was taking him down Uraraka and Todoroki had taken out tiger guy, and had moved onto another group.

I looked over to them, decided that they would be okay, and started looking for Shinso.

I ran around the battle, dodging the villains quirks and helping out my allies along the way.

I glimpsed a tuft of purple hair in the corner of my eye, and ran towards it.

I broke through the fighting to find Shinso fighting two villains by himself.

I ran over to him and started to help him take them down.

"Thanks for the back-up babe!" He panted as he blocked hits from the villain he was fighting.

"No problem- TSUYU TO YOUR RIGHT!" I warned Tsuyu, who was fighting close to us.

"THANKS MIDORIYA!" She yelled back.


Todoroki was sending walls of ice to freeze his opponents, careful to not hit the heroes, Momo was creating large speakers for Jiro to amplify her powers, so she could send heartbeats to the villains to knock them to the ground.

"Good work Babe!" Momo smiled at Jiro.

Todoroki took this chance to freeze the villains to the ground until backup arrived.

During that pause in the fight Todoroki took in how much destruction the fighting had caused.

The buildings around the funeral home had been reduced to rubble, and the funeral home had be completely demolished.

"Todoroki! Behind you!" Momo yelled, bringing the dual haired boy back to reality.

He turned around to see a villain rush at him with a dagger in his hand.

Suddenly someone kicked the villain to the ground, then took out another villain who was coming up to Todorokis right.

"Thanks Iida" Todoroki thanked the blue haired boy.

"No problem, you guys okay? I think the battles nearly over" He said.

Momo, Jiro and Todoroki looked around, seeing their classmates and teachers fighting villains.

"Yeah, the number of villains has definitely gone down" Jiro agreed.

Todoroki sent an ice wall at a villain who was trying to creep up to Momos right side, being careful to not hit the black haired girl.

"Thanks Todoroki- On your left!" She warned him.

Todoroki set his fist on fire and punched the villain, setting him on fire, causing him to run around screaming while he got burnt to a crispt.

"right, im gonna go help Bakugo" Todoroki ran off to where Bakugo was setting off explosions at some villains.

"I'll help Sero, Denki and Kirishima" Iida said, and sprinted over tho them.

"we make a good team, lets stick together" Momo said to Jiro, and they started taking down more villains.


"Izuku on your left!"

"thanks, on your right!"

We kept calling out commands and directions to each other.

We were like an unstoppable duo, taking out villains from left to right.

I took out a group of villains, with Shinso taking out villains who were trying to get me from behind.

I looked around to see that there were only a few villains left, Shigaraki and Dabi was no where to be seen, and it looked like Toga, Spinner and Twice had been capture by Aizawa.

I turned around to say something to Shinso, but he wasnt there.

"Shinso?" I cried, looking around for him.

"IZUKU! LOOK OUT!" He yelled from where he was standing with Uraraka, Iida, Sero, Denki and Kirishima.

I spun around to see Shigaraki lunging at me with a manic smile on his face.

I felt a searing pain in my shoulder as he put his hand on me.

He suddenly got pulled away from me by Aizawas scarf.

I looked at my shoulder to see that my skin was turning to dust.

"Izuku!" Shinso cried, running over to me.

As soon as he reached me i collapsed, he caught me just before i hit the ground and put my head on his lap.

"Izuku just hang in there okay? You'll be okay, it'll be okay!" Shinso sniffed, tears running down his cheeks "DAD! HELP!"

Aizawa ran over, and sat beside me, taking my hand.

"Dad, please help him! He cant die! Dont let him die! Please!" Shinso sobbed.

"I-Im sorry Shinso, t-theres nothing i can do" Aizawa cried.

"Toshi" I whispered, my voice raspy.

"No, no Izuku dont talk, you need to save your strength, the paramedics will be here soon!" He stopped me.

"No, Toshi, there's nothing they can do, I'm going to die soon"

"No your not, Dad tell him! tell him he's going to live! Tell him he's going to be okay!" Shinso pleaded.

Aizawa stayed silent, tears falling down his face.

"Shinso i love you, i really do" I told Shinso, smiling.

"I love you too Izuku"

I smiled as i felt my body turn to dust.

I closed my eyes one final time.

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