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"13? thats quite a lot, and they are all filled with information on heroes?" Shinsou asked, shocked.

"y-yeah, i know, its r-really weird, you p-probably think i-im a s-stalker or something, its o-okay, i guess i am to be h-honest" i slightly panicked.

"No no no, i think its cool! you know a lot of stuff that others might not know!  if you have some information on villains as well that could be a huge advantage for the Heroes!" Shinsou exlaimed.

"Whats going on in here?" a tired voice asked from the doorway.

"Oh, n-not much A-Aizawa" i said as he walked in.

"Good morning dad, Papa" Shinsou added on Mic as the energetic blonde looked over Aizawas shoulder.

"Good morning, who wants breakfast?" Mic asked "i can cook"

"i would like breakfast, and no you will not cook no way in hell are you cooking, remember last time you tried to cook me and Shinsou pancakes for breakfast you nearly set the house on fire, and we had to dump a bucket of water onto the stove?" Aizawa teased Mic.

"That was that one time Sho, it wont happen this time, i promise"

"ugh, fine" Aizawa groaned as he left the room, Me, Shinsou and Mic following.

we went downstairs and me, Shinsou and Aizawa sat down on the couches and turned the tv on, while Mic started to cook pancakes in the kitchen.

a few minutes later we heard Mic swear from the kitchen, and the smell of smoke started to fill the room.

"Shit, right, MIC GET A BUCKET OF WATER QUICK, SHINSOU YOU AND IZUKU GO OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!" Aizawa yelled as he leapt up from his seat.

Shinsou pulled me to my feet as i stared at the flames on the stove, memories of my old family and the orphanage came rushing back, memories of Missus and my father burning me, and leaving me in a room filled with smoke.

"Izuku! come on!" Shinsou cried, and dragged me out of the house.

once we were out the door i slumped against the wall and put my head between my knees, trying to not have a panic attack.

"Izuku? are you okay?" i heard Shinsou ask through the rushing that had filled my ears.

tears started to stream down my face, hitting the ground beneath me.

i shut my eyes and tried to calm down, but the memories were to much.

i felt someone grab me, and i flinched, thinking whoever it was would hurt me.

"Shh, Izuku, its okay, your safe, no ones going to hurt you, the fires out, we are all okay" Aizawa said, trying to calm me down.

i couldnt stop the tears, and i just started to panic even more.

what if he was lieing to me?

he is, he just wants to get rid of you, you useless Deku


"Izuku, i dont want to get rid of you, you make this house happy, your apart of the family, you belong here" Aizawa reassured me, laying my head against his chest, stroking my hair "follow my breathing"





i slowly calmed down and hugged Aizawa.

Abused/Adopted Deku/DadzawaWhere stories live. Discover now