-confrontation 2-

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"I saw them in Recovery Girls office when you were unconsious"

i looked down in shame and didn't say anything.

"Izuku, who did that to you?" Aizawa asked.

"T-the woman a-at the O-Orphanage, and m-my p-parents" i whispered.

"okay, thank you so much for telling me, ill have to arrest them"

"What? N-no!"

"why not?"

"b-because when t-they get r-released t-they'll come a-after m-me" i cried.

"youll be okay when that happens, me, Mic and Shinsou can protect you, we're your family" Aizawa smiled.

I tried to smile back but i couldnt.

"also, have you been eating?"


"dont lie"

"i-i have been, i-im not l-lieing" i lied.

"okay, what have you eaten today" He demanded.

"u-um, i had some Soba"


"t-this morning"

"no you didnt"

"w-what? yes i d-did" i  lied again.

"i have been with you pretty much all day"

"f-fine, i havnt had anything t-today"

"okay, im going to make you something, what do you want?" Aizawa asked, standing up.

"i-i dont know"

"Okay, ill make you some Katsudon" he went through to the kitchen and cooked some Katsudon, a put the plate on the table.

i sat down and started eating.

"is it good?" he asked.

"y-yeah, its r-really g-good" i complimented.

i finished eating and put the plate in the sink.

i can just make myself throw up later, i dont want to get to fat that they dont want me i thought.

"oh, i need to go get Mic, i think we left him at school with no way to get home" Aizawa laughed, standing up "do you want to come?"

"n-no, ill stay h-here"

"alright, tell Shinsou where ive gone if he comes looking for me"

"o-okay, see you later" i called after him as he walked out the door.

Abused/Adopted Deku/DadzawaWhere stories live. Discover now