Kyle Trains Harder

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Kyle sends Treecko. Thomas sends Tailow. Kyle calls out to use bullet seed to Treecko. Treecko shoots seeds on Tailow. Tailow dodges it with ease. Thomas calls out to use peck. Tailow swoops down to jab on Treecko's head with its beak. Treecko gets jabbed on its head by Tailow's beak. Kyle calls out to use pound. Treecko hops and pounds Tailow with its tail. As Tailow was about to fly, Kyle calls out to Treecko to use bullet seed. Treecko shoots seeds on Tailow which hit this time.

It doesn't affect Tailow much. Tailow flies up. Thomas calls out to use peck. Tailow charges at Treecko. Kyle calls out to watch out for Tailow. Before Treecko could dodge it gets jabbed on its head and faints. Kyle withdraws Treecko and runs away. Thomas follows Kyle to a Pokémon Center.

Kyle gets his Pokémon healed by Nurse Joy. He thanks her and sends out Treecko.

Kyle: Are you okay?

Treecko jumps to show its health. Kyle smiles. Kyle sees Thomas stand beside him. Thomas smiles and says that he had a great battle with Kyle. Kyle walks away worried about his loss. Kyle decides to catch some new Pokémon to battle Thomas again. He walks into the Petalburg woods to find some new Pokémon. He sees his brother George and his mother in the woods.

Kyle: George!

George turns back to see Kyle.

George: Mom look, Kyle's here.

Kyle's Mom: Hey Kyle!

Kyle: What are you guys do here?

George: As I have a Pokémon I and mom are just visiting new places.

Kyle: Are you sure about that? Where are you going?

Kyle's Mom: That's not true. We were looking for you. I forgot to give you this!

Kyle: What's that?

Kyle's Mom gives gives Kyle box of shards. He looks at the shards. The shards are pure crystal and are pointy.

Kyle's Mom: You can sell them for a high price and gain money and buy things for you and your Pokémon.

Kyle's mother pats Kyle and hugs him. Kyle thanks her and says that he will visit her when he can. Thomas appears behind Kyle. Kyle feels the hand of Thomas behind his shoulder. He turns to see Thomas.

Thomas: Who are they?

Kyle: You are here too?

Thomas: I was looking for someone to battle next to train before battling Roxanne.

Kyle: Okay! They are my family.

Thomas: Oh! This guy must be your brother (pointing George). You have a Pokémon. Can I battle you?

George: Mom, can I battle him? I was wishing to use my Pokemon and I guess the time has come.

Kyle's Mom: Sure dear!

George's Poochyena jumps from the shrubs and stands before Thomas sending him back. Thomas sends mudkip. George calls out to use tackle. Poochyena slams into mudkip. Mudkip falls to the ground. Poochyena uses bite. Mudkip rises and dodges the attack. Mudkip uses tackle and charges into Poochyena, making it fall. Before it could rise, Mudkip uses water gun causing damage to Poochyena. Poochyena faints.

George falls to his knees and lifts Poochyena.

George: So that's a Pokémon battle! That was amazing!

Thomas: I think you should take your Pokémon to the Pokémon center. See you later!

Thomas walks away. Kyle waves his hand as George and his mom leave. He decides to train harder and battle Thomas again. Kyle looks for some new Pokémon in the forest.

He finds a Ralts on his way. He throws his poke-ball on the Ralts at once. He successfully captured the Ralts.

Kyle: That was way too easy than I thought!

Kyle sends out his Treecko and his newly captured Ralts out. He then looks for another Pokémon. But he gets into another Pokémon trainer.

He challenges the Pokémon trainer. That trainer sends Spinarak. Kyle chooses Ralts. Spinarak uses poison sting on Ralts. Ralts dodges the attack by using double team. It creates illusory copies of itself. Spinarak uses string shot on all of the copies to find the real Ralts. When the silk from its mouth touches a copy it vanished and identifies the real one! Spinarak has tied Ralts with its silk. Spinarak uses night shade on Ralts. As it is a ghost type move it was effective on Ralts.

Ralts rises and uses confusion on Spinarak. Spinarak gets confused and hurts itself. Spinarak covers itself in silk and faints. Kyle is excited that he won. Now he decides to challenge Thomas for a battle. He looks for him in the Rustboro city because he has heard people say that Roxanne is in Rustboro city. Thomas has told him that he was on his way to challenge her. Will Kyle defeat him next time?

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