Chapter 1: Forced Marriage

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There was knocking on the door that woke Muichiro that morning.

"Prince Muichiro? May I come in?" A female voice had asked.

Muichiro's voice was groggy, and he squinted open his eyes, "Hm?"

The woman was one of the head servants, one assigned to his room specifically, she had come in without even waiting for permission. Muichiro was a kind person, the servants were familiar with him, but that could still get them in trouble. She approached him with a bright smile and her hands full of face products. She opened a tin and blew a cloud in front of him as he sat up.

"I'm certainly awake now," Muichiro coughed, waving his hand, trying not to inhale the cloud of powder in front of him.

"That's good, good morning! We have an outfit for you on your bed, their highness's have asked us to remind you of morning tea and cookies," She said, she fixed her posture after fixing his bangs.

The woman bowed her head, and picked up the cans of Muichiro could only assume where face products that she hadn't used. She scooped them up into her arms and exited the room.

His parents, their highness's of the Mist kingdom. His kingdom, his home. Was it wrong to say he felt distant from them? Sure they were his parents, but his father had become distant himself. Different from the man who raised him and his twin brother early on. His mother was kind, Muichiro had always had a strong bond with her.

A crow flew in through the window, landing on top of a golden cage engraved with diamonds and emeralds.

"CAW!" The crow squawked, clapping the tips of her wings together,  "Good morning, your highness! You're looking as good as ever of course!"

"Ah yes, hello to you as well, Ginko," Muichiro murmured, he ran his fingers through his hair, slightly tangled from the night.

"Here is the note from your brother! He was too lazy to come here himself I suppose," She announced with a petty huff.

Ginko was such a strange little crow, bossy and dramatic. Her voice was so high pitch she could shatter the castle windows if she should try, which were bullet proof. She doted on Muichiro like a second mother would.

"Thanks Ginko, I still have some sunflower seeds if you want them," Muichiro's voice finally snapping out of the deep morning voice.

"Yes please! I'm gonna go down to the fountain later, that will be a nice snack!" She giggled, and hoped right over  to Muichiro's bed.

Ginko happily took the little thin bag from his hand, knotted by a string that she could easily pick apart. She then bounced to the window, and hopped out, spreading her wings to fly away on the breeze. Muichiro watched her go, hoping whoever she went to visit would be okay. He looked down at the letter, and unfolded it.

To: Muichiro

Wake up. It's almost 6 in the morning, mother raised you better than this you big back. You should be getting this before breakfast but that crow has something lose in her head so who knows.

Meet me in the library after our little tea time, and don't brush this off or get distracted looking at clouds, this is really important for your future.

From: Yuichiro

Yuichiro just loves to berate Muichiro, whether through notes or right to his face. Muichiro could imagine his twin scoffing while writing this, probably awake when the sun graces the earth with her golden rays. But he didn't have to bully Ginko as well.

Yuichiro was older, the crown prince. The heir to the throne if their father were to meet an early demise.

Despite being identical, the twins were different. Yuichiro was a hard worker, he worked for the things he had and was good because he put in the effort to succeed. He was more bossy however, and got his attitude from their mother. He had been like that since she had given birth to them. Muichiro was easier going, often much brighter. He was a day dreamer, who liked to get distracted. He was naturally good at things, he could put in little effort but still succeed if he was interested in it.

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