Chapter 15: Wind Kingdom Chaos

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--(Mitsuri's POV)--

Everyone's here. Everybody is in the town square. I can't believe it! The Queen is dead! And all of the princes and princesses! The King says Mist Kingdom assassins snuck in a massacred everyone. Except. . . Genya and Sanemi are alive. . . their at the Mist Kingdom. 

That means he's lying to us! Obanai was glaring at him, he figured it out faster than me. I hope the Rengoku brother's are alright. I hope Giyu is alright. . . I hope Sanemi and Genya are alright! I'm sure news of their family have already reached them. . . .

It couldn't be Mist Kingdom Assassins. . . they were on our side for peace. Was it just thieves? Perhaps an unhappy butler? Or was it. . . WAS IT THE KING HIMSELF? I gasped, Looking up at the king in shock. Not that he would see me in the massive crowd. He was still blabbering on about war. So much of the crowd was with him. . . he convinced them all that it was the mist kingdom.

Obanai looked over at me, grabbing my wrist. I looked at him as he led me through the crowd away from the guarded stand the king was at. We got to an alleyway,

"It's not safe for us here anymore, if their 'all dead' then were targets too." He said, continuing to hurry me to our bakery. It clicked, the king would want us dead. We know were the princes are, he knows their not in the kingdom anymore. We're the place that lets them in. . . .

"We have to go!" I whisper-shouted. Obanai looked at me nodding as if he had read my train of thought.

"Shinobu and Tengen snuck Gyomei away earlier, where all pairing into groups and fleeing. The mist Kingdom will let us in. . . maybe." He whispered, we entered our kafe. He started grabbing our belongings, making it look like we haven't been here for a while.

I had two bags, also carrying his one bag. Not that I minded, beside we have to go, like right now!

"Who's all together?" I asked, stuffing some breakfast foods into a container.

"Me, You. Shinobu, Gyomei and Tengen. I guess since it's just the five of us, Tengen went with the blind one and short one. So it's me and you, we're gonna try and meet up someplace in the forest between the kingdoms." He explained and I nodded. This is so serious!

We were back in the streets, with bags and backpacks. We tried to stay to the side, hiding behind wagons and shop booths. It's such a shame they were all killed so close to the anniversary celebration. . . .

Obanai kept guiding us through streets, trying to find a carriage or something. I saw two horses, they were in a little side stable. I wonder if we could just steal them. . . .

"Hey love, there are two horses-" I whispered, pointing at them. He looked at me than the horses and before I knew it we were right in front of them.

"We're not paying. Their ours now." He said, giving me the bag and hoping onto it. They were very well mannered horses. He took the bags so I could get onto one. Mine was a cute light tan with white spots! Aww! Obanai's was more of a pumpkin brown. We have so many pets now. . . ! Pets. . . .

"Where's Kaburamaru??" I asked, panicking. Obanai looked at me, then took something out of his shirt. Kaburamaru was curled up in his hands, he blinked his big red eyes at me. I sighed, the horses started walking forward. Kaburamaru went back into his shirt.

People surprisingly didn't seem to care? That's ok, it makes it easier for us. When it came time to leave the gates, we had the horses sprint, quickly past the guards. The guards were surprised and tried to chase after us but we were faster on the horses.

"WOO! WE'RE OUT!" I yelled happily. Obanai nodded having his horse stop next to me.

"We need to go North. Through the forest." He said, looking up at the sun.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Pumpkin and Caramel can take us." I nodded, happily petting Caramels head.

"You named the horses?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Their not just horses, their Pumpkin and Caramel! Lovely sweethearts." I said, leaning down and kissing Caramel on her forehead. Obanai just sighed, rubbing Pumpkins neck.

We continued forward. Trotting on the horses, I noticed Caramel was more outgoing than Pumpkin. Pumpkin had an attitude, often stopping if Obanai didn't keep petting her. I love them so much!

"Quick this way!"

We both froze, having the horses stop and step back so we were hidden by trees. We didn't recognize the voice, it was high pitched. It kinda reminded me of the crow from back when Muichiro was with us. . . .

"Ginko are you sure? He's losing to much blood- We have to stop!" Someone pleaded, Senjuro! I'd recognize that voice anywhere! Is Kyojuro with him? So it was Ginko the crow! Obanai recognized the voice too, signalling Pumpkin to move forward. Caramel and I followed behind him.

I gasped, I was shocked. Senjuro stared at us with such a frozen scared expression. Ive never seen someone so terrified. He was on his knees, crouched over someone. . . Muichiro!?

"Muichiro!? Senjuro!?" I yelled, I could feel my eyes getting watery. The way Muichiro was bleeding- Yeah sure he had been bandaged but there was so much blood I was gonna be sick.

Obanai quickly hopped off Pumpkin rushing over to the boys. Senjuro blinked processing that it was us.

"Obanai! Mitsuri! Please- You have to save him, save Yuichiro!" He stuttered pushing himself away as Obanai grabbed Yuichiro. . . ? Who- He looked like Muichiro. . . . Muichiro mentioned he had a twin!

"His twin-" Me and Obanai mumbled at the same time. Yuichiro was completely unconscious. His breathing was heavy and it didn't look good. I looked behind me grabbing medical supplies out of a bag, throwing them to Obanai. Then getting off of Caramel. I grabbed their reins, walking them over to the two.

Senjuro was crying. I crouched next to him, patting his back. He cried onto my shoulder, and I rubbed his back. I looked back over and Obanai stitching Yuichiro's wounds to the best of his ability. Ginko was standing an inch away, her face was panicked. I'm sure she knew him more than we did.

We have to protect these two now. We can't let our friends die! Get them to the Mist Kingdom!

We can do it! I hope. . . .

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 1148

YOOO! I have a proposal,  if we manage to get this book to 5k views I'll give you a special chapter! A very special chapter that occurs in the past.

Explaining how every single member of Genya's family was murdered. Except for Sanemi and Genya of course.

Royal Gay 💛💛💛(Genya x Muichiro ; Royal Au)Where stories live. Discover now