Chapter 4: Together. . . . but at what cost?

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          Using this image as a reference for siblings:

But for the 14 year olds, Make Teiko 12, and Hiroshi 9, because I need Muichiro to be slightly older

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But for the 14 year olds, Make Teiko 12, and Hiroshi 9, because I need Muichiro to be slightly older

Enjoy Darlings 🤗

--(Muichiro POV)--

           I woke up again, this time not dreaming of anything. I took in my surroundings, letting my eyes adjust to the bright golden light that spilled into the room from the window.

             "Did you sleep alright this time?" Genya asked, he was sitting at his desk but he had turned to look at me. I nodded my head and drowsily got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to change into my proper clothing.

           I got out of the bathroom, brush in my hand. I hate brushing my hair. I hate it. I pulled the chair from the vanity over to the desk Genya was at. He was doing papers again. Why?

            He watched as I sat next to him and looked at his papers, then lazily held up my hand with the hairbrush in it. He chuckled, but took the hair brush from my hand and stood up. He shifted so he was behind me and started to brush my hair. He was so gentle, being careful to not pull strands, or rip out chunks while being frustrated, cough, cough, Yuichiro, cough. I think I even started to fall asleep.

             "Hey Genya?" I said. He hummed an acknowledgement, probably too focused on my hair. Oh wait, I didn't actually mean to say his name out loud. I was just sorta of thinking. Would now be a good time to ask about it. . . ?

            "Well-" I didn't know how I wanted to phrase this. He let my hair fall down and tied it into a ponytail, separating my front strands.

            "About the whole engagement thing," I started,

           "Are you not comfortable here?" I could almost hear the panic in his voice, he actually tightened his grip on my hair, pulling a few strands.

            "What- No- My hair Genya-" I said, protesting, he instantly released it and let it fall back down. I hope I didn't make him upset.

             "Sorry." he mumbled, he sat on his knees on the floor behind me.

                "You're fine, just please be gentle." I said, running my own fingers through my front strands. I never want to lose my hair, I quite like it even though it's impossible to take care of. It almost distracted me from the main topic.

               "What I was saying was," I said, staring back forward. Genya stood up and began to play with strands of hair again.

            "Well, I know we're technically engaged. . . but have you ever thought of starting a relationship with me. . . ?" I murmured, very nervous of his response. It seemed like he wanted to be with me, but I also didn't want to lose him. He paused, his hands froze.

Royal Gay 💛💛💛(Genya x Muichiro ; Royal Au)Where stories live. Discover now