Chapter 5: Price to Pay

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--(Genya POV)--

"NO!" I shouted, but the guards just pulled me away.

"Are you insane! He might kill him!" I finally got out of the guards reach but they both blocked the door that led to the hall into the throne room. I just looked at them, they both looked scared, but were obviously on my side.

"Hurry-" One of them said, the other looked at him with shock, but moved over. They both nodded as I ran past and down the hallway, then they shouted and started chasing me, smart. There is less of a chance father will punish them now.

I slammed the big doors open,

"FATHER-" I stopped my sentence, I froze. My arms went limp and I gasped. Muichiro! No- He was on the ground face down, I could see he was bleeding from one of his sides. I ran over scooping him into my arms, his blood soaked into my clothing. I looked up at father and he just looked down in disappointment,

"Get out of my sight." He turned around and walked out of the room. Leaving me and Muichiro in the room alone. Crap- I applied pressure to his side wound. It was a cut that took up almost his whole side. Muichiro was unconscious. . . . The guards came next to me, setting him on the ground and applying proper pressure. The other one went to find something.

He came back with proper bandages, the one guard had me sit next to them, while their partner fixed him.

"Take him to your room, he needs rest. I am so sorry." The guard said, he gave me Muichiro's limp body. I frowned, I couldn't help but cry. I handled him carefully, I began to walk back to my room, nodding to the guards who went to clean his blood.

Oh Muichiro- Why didn't you run, it's all my fault. I sobbed silently, I couldn't help but look at Muichiros head, he was out cold and his breathing was quiet. I got to my room, and I opened the door. I paused, shifting Muichiro so he was leaning on me, but I was still holding him.

"Brother what happened-" Sumi asked, she had Shuya and Koto with her. They were all on the bed and Koto seemed to fall asleep, he was crying. I sigh,

"Make some room alright?" They all nodded, and moved to one side of the bed. I climbed onto the bed and sat against the front of it, letting Muichiro rest in my lap. Sumi came and snuggled next to me, Shuya held Koto back on the other side of the bed.

"You don't have to be scared Shuya, come here." I said, I offered an arm. Shuya hesitated, but came over and snuggled into my other side. Koto had woken up, but sleepily crawled over and snuggled next to Muichiro. I hesitated, but it didn't seem to hurt him.

We sat in silence for a little while, I think they all fell asleep. Then the door opened and two other people came in. Teiko and Hiroshi,

"We heard that Mother was hit-" Hiroshi said but Teiko cut him off,

"Are you all ok?" She said, They both came closer and sat on the end of the bed. I nodded,

"Yes, Sumi, Shuya, and Koto are fine, they weren't involved." I said, I was going to continue but Hiroshi cut me off,

"Are you alright?" He said.

"I'm fine. . . ." I went silent, memories of Muichiro slowly bleeding and being helpless in that room terrified me. I shook my head to snap out of it.

"Who's he?" Hiroshi asked. I frowned, and tears began to fall again, I used my unoccupied hand to wipe my face.

"Um, that's Muichiro. . . My fiance, but-" I paused, I couldn't find the right words. Teiko's eyes widened and she went to speak but couldn't.

"Did he- get- get. . . ." She said, and they both looked scared. Hiroshi began to cry,

"Why can't he just be a good king. . . . Why can't he be a good father. . . ?" Hiroshi said, he began to cry. Teiko hugged him, but then she looked scared.

"What happens if we go to war. . . ?" She asked, looking at Genya scared.

"We won't- Don't worry, I won't let it happen." I said, I don't know if that's true. It's all I could say to reassure her. They joined in the snuggle part, Shuya moved down to snuggle into the other side of Muichiro, and Teiko and Hiroshi joined next to me and Sumi. At least he could relax for a little bit. . . . I myself even fell asleep, but that didn't last for long.

I felt shifting in my lap, I woke up and looked down. I noticed Muichiro was- awake! He looked concerned at the two children snuggling into him. He winced, I think he just realized his injury. He tried clutching his side but couldn't due to the little Koto asleep on his arm.

I shifted, waking up almost everyone.

"Is it Morning already. . . ?" Sumi whined. Teiko bolted up and looked at the door, probably scared. Hiroshi just sorta layed there idle. Koto sat up, Muichiro instantly grabbed his side and mumbled something.

"You alright love?" I asked, you could hear the worry in my voice. I made him sit up in my lap. Checking his temperature and tying back his hair.

"Just splendid. . . ." He mumbled and he sighed.

"I'm sorry- it's all my fault-" I whispered to him, I felt terrible. Teiko was watching and Hiroshi had come back to reality. Sumi was holding the once again sleeping Koto, and Shuya was still laying down by my legs.

"Right, Muichiro, this is Keito, Hiroshi, Sumi, Shuya, and little Koto. They are all my siblings." I said, pointing to each of them.

"Alright siblings, this is Muichiro." I said, properly introducing him. The army of siblings nodded and Muichiro was just sorta staring. I couldn't tell if he was still in pain.

"Mini Genya." Muichiro said he pointed at Horishi. Horish chuckled and I smiled. At least he still had his goofy half-asleep self. Muichiro whipped around and buried his face into my chest, I blushed. He wrapped his legs around me and I could already hear his sleepy breathing. I chuckled.

"Let's get some rest alright? I'll deal with everything in the morning." I said, We all got situated again, all finding a comfy place in my bed. They all got comfy under a chunk of the blanket and soon enough they were all asleep. I'm glad Muichiro got along well with them. . . . I hope Muichiro is ok, I still feel terrible. It was all my fault-

I sighed, I began to play with his hair. Taking it out of the high ponytail, and fiddling with it. That must of woken him because he grabbed my hand with his, and brought it down to the bed, then murmured,

"Please. . . . I'm tired-" He did sound tired. I sighed,

"Do you feel alright? Do you need me to change your bandages or anything?" I whispered.

"I need you to shut. . . up- and let me snuggle you already. . . ." He was so tired, he yawned and I could already hear his soft snores. I sighed again, I'm just glad he's managing after. . . . Whatever my father did to him. I hope he's ok in the morning-

Oh. . . ! I should remind in the morning. . . to respond- to his brother. . . . And with that thought lingering in my mind, I fell asleep.

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 1282

German class is boring so I decided to do this instead 👍 sorry it's not as long I promise they will start being longer soon!

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