Chapter 3: Nightmare

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Warning: Mentions of Blood and Nightmares

--(Muichiro POV)--

"Muichiro..!" A quiet squeaky voice said. Ugh bright lights, I opened my eyes to my bedroom. I looked down at my lap and Ginko's note harness was on my lap. That's strange, she vowed to never take it off.

I looked over beside me, oh Genya's gone. Probably went to go do something, he'll be back soon... why do I miss him? I don't remember his bedroom being teal colored, it was gray themed.

I got out of bed and wandered around the new room, it looked a lot like mine... Wait- I ran to the window and looked out it, the Mist Kingdom? What? Is the engagement all just a dream? Or is this a dream. I was going to pinch myself, but I was in the garden suddenly. What-

There was blood. I gasped, I knew this was a dream but it seemed so real- There was so much blood it was up to my ankles and coated the whole garden floor. I started to tear up, it stunk.

I walked through the bloody swampy mess underneath me, until I tripped and stumbled over something. I managed to cling onto one of the side walls and stop me from plunging into the blood.

I looked behind me and gasped again, it was my brother...

"Yuichiro!" I screamed out, it was him, but a gored mess. I tried to stand up to run to him, but it was like the blood was pulling me down. Dragging me farther into the pool of blood.

It was rising, I could feel it. I felt it drench my clothing, until it reached my neck. I took a breath, I could feel the warm sticky blood cover my face. I was completely submerged in it, all I could see was a dark void. It was hard to breathe.

"Mui-" I heard a voice, who was there..? Was it brother..? I opened my eyes slowly and was met with Genya's worried face. It was hovering over mine, our noses almost touching. I realized I was crying.

"Genya..?" I croaked out, he scooped me up, making us sit on our bed. He started to stroke my back, and I snuggled into his side.

"Are you alright? That looked like a pretty eventful nightmare..." He said, there was no hint of aggression in his voice. I nodded my head and just stayed snuggled into him.
"What time is it?" I murmured, I was still so tired. It's been a while since I had a nightmare, normally I have dreamless sleep.

"Not morning, we still have a little bit..." He said he sounded tired too.
"Sorry..." I frowned.
"Don't be. It's not your fault you had a nightmare," He hummed, he lowered us down so we were laying down. He kept me close to him and covered us with a big heavy blanket.
I'm glad there is someone like him in this castle, to keep me safe... and protected... I need to  ask him what we were...  Oh gosh, I love him don't I?

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 542

Yeah- sorry this is a shorter chapter, I promise the next one is longer. This one is still connected to the main story line, but like small.

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