Chapter 9: Arrival

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--(Muichiro POV)--

"What's it like over there. . . ." Giyuu mumbled, he was sitting in the corner of the carriage with a sleepy Sanemi resting on his shoulder.

"It's really nice, I promise you'll like it." I told him. We had rented an undercover carriage, and Kyojuro was driving it. Genya, Sanemi, Giyu and I all stayed hidden in the back. Sometimes Senjuro would sit with Kyojuro while driving, or come back here if he was tired or Kyojuro insisted he get some rest.

It was a bit cramped while we were all back here, but it worked. Misturi really wanted to come, but Obanai shut her down real hard. Maybe we can visit them sometimes.

Who am I kidding, I'm just trying to distract myself from meeting my parents. If mom's even still alive. Yuichiro's gonna kill Genya, and father may kill the rest of them for fun. I was nervous, really, really nervous.

Genya noticed and he intertwined our hands. I looked at him and smiled. Genya and I were on one side, facing Giyuu and Sanemi who were on the other side. Who were both, now asleep.
"Caw!" Ginko flew in through the curtained window. She landed on my head and nuzzled into it.
"Ginko!" I whispered, she looked down at me and smiled.

"Yuichiro told me to tell you that he'll talk to you when you get there, but he told me to stay by you." Ginko reported, I smiled. I'm glad he still cares about me. I wonder how our parents will react- Mother is a sweetheart, but father. . . . I shuddered.

I started to get a headache thinking about it so much. I leaned my head on Genya's shoulder and I sighed. He leaned his head on mine, our hands were still intertwined. Senjuro entered through the side door.

"We're arriving, are there always this many guards out front. . . ?" He whispered nervously. I took my head off of Genya and looked at him concerned, he must have read my face because he went pale. Giyuu had woken up, and woke up Sanemi.

Kyojuro opened the main side door and I got out first. Senjuro was right, there were a lot of guards, they seemed relieved to see me. Everyone else exited the carriage, and the guards helped them. The butlers took what we packed,

"Welcome back Prince Muichiro, and your. . . . friends." A guard said bowing. I nodded,
"This is Prince Genya, Prince Sanemi, Sir Giyuu, Sir Kyojuro, and Sir Senjuro." I said, pointing at them when I said their names. The guard nodded.

"Well, welcome back brother. Welcome to the Mist Kingdom." A voice was heard, and Yuichiro emerged from behind the group of guards and crossed his arms looking at us.

"Yuichiro. . . ." I mumbled.

"Muichiro." He said,

"Take everyone to their rooms, I wanna talk to my brother. We'll all meet in the throne room to discuss everything later." Yuichiro spoke again, the guards nodded and politely guided everyone away.

"Genya- Don't leave me here with him-" I whispered to him as he passed me. He just smiled and gave me a thumbs up before entering the castle with everyone else. It was now just me and Yuichiro.

"Are you alright?" He asked, he dropped his scary royal act and rushed over to me. He hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"You scared me-" I told him,

"I scared you?! You scared all of us! It's so boring here without you, not to mention Ginko like- hates me! So she only drops off messages and leaves immediately, she doesn't tell me anything!" He whined. I laughed, I'm definitely leaving out some details. . . but I'll tell him most things.

"It's fine, I'm fine, you worry too much!" I told him, he huffed. Then his face went cold and he had his scary expression back. He crossed his arms once more and tilted his head to the side,
"Which one was Genya again. . . ? I wanna go say 'hi'." He told me, his voice was cold and dark. I panicked,

"He- uh, mohawk, but he's really nice! Brother please!" I called after him as he began to turn and run into the castle. I chased him, I was out of breath quicker though, and my injury did not help. It hurt now- I stopped and leaned against the wall.

Crap, I feel really dizzy now. . . .

"Brother?" Yuichiro said, he must have turned around to check on me. I hummed, and stood up weakly to look at him.

"Are you alright. . . ?" He asked worriedly. I nodded and we began to walk slowly down the halls. After a minute or two of calm walking I calmed down, my side hurt a little bit but it was barely noticeable. Yuichiro stayed silent, but he glanced at me every once in a while.

"Hey. . . ." He said, he looked past me and a door. I recognized it almost immediately, our parents bedroom. I looked at him, and he only stepped forward and knocked.

"Who's there?" Father's voice came from inside the room.

"It's me father, and Mui." He said softly. I looked at him in panic, he gave me a reassuring look and whispered,

"He's changed, just be gentle with his emotions alright?" Yuichiro told me as he opened the door. I let out a breath as we entered the room. Mother was on the bed asleep, father was next to her, cradling one of her hands. He looked at both of us and stood up, walking over to me and. . . hugging me?

"How was your trip?" He asked wearily.

"It was fine, father. . . . How are you and mother?" I asked him, and we kept hugging.

"Holding up just fine, we miss you ya know." He laughed and we stopped hugging. I smiled lightly,

"Please make sure our guests feel at home. . . . Is the King over there that bad?" He mumbled quietly. I looked a little bit shocked, Yuichiro must have told him.

"He's. . . not the best king, or father. . . ." I mumbled.

"I see, they can stay as long as they want. Speaking of, how is your fiance? Did we make the right choice?" He asked me.

"Yes! He's great!" I said, getting a little defensive. Father chuckled,

"Well no need to get so defensive, me and your mother were just worried because you were so young." He said, patting my head. I like the new father, he was the kind father we grew up with.
We wrapped up our conversation and Yuichiro and I left the room. We walked our own ways, I headed to try and find Genya. I'd have to thank everyone else as well later.

I got to my old room, and I heard a conversation inside. I opened the door and Genya was laying on my bed with Ginko perched triumphantly on his back.

"Off." I told her, while walking over to them. She huffed but then flew over and perched in a basket/nest I made for her a while back. She kept it on top of my vanity, so she could watch my every movement.

Genya was going to get up, but I stopped him and laid down on him.

"Really?" He asked, I hummed in response.

"Fine." He huffed, he quickly spun around and caught me in his arms. Holding me captive, then shifting so he sat against the front of the bed. I frowned, and looked up at him. He laughed and then pulled a cover over us slightly. I tried to break free but his grip was too strong and he kept me firmly planted on his lap.

"Fine, but lunch is soon and I want to thank everyone else." I sighed, he smiled.

"Uh huh, I'm going to take a quick nap though. I do admit, your kingdom is a tiny bit prettier. Mine has better food though." He bragged. I was going to deny him but I remembered the Kat Kafe.

"Yeah, you're right." I sighed, and he laughed again. A few minutes had passed and he had fallen asleep. I was happy perched in his lap so I didn't move, but I must admit, I was bored. I could honestly stay here forever though, I'm just not tired right now.

I wonder how everyone is doing back in the Wind Kingdom. . . .

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 1388

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