Chapter 12: Sorrow, Guilt, Remorse, Pain.

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--(Genya POV)--

Their dead! They're all dead- I was here all safe and sound, while they were all being tortured! Hit, cut, burned alive, I don't even know. . . !

I sobbed, grabbing onto Muichiro's attire, why. . . ? I'm so glad Muichiro was here- I should have never come here, I shouldn't have left- but if I didn't leave then I wouldn't be with Muichiro. . . . Oh poor Hiroshi- Teiko. . . Sumi, Shuya, Koto. . . . Mother. . . ! Oh no, what about all of our friends? I'm sure all hell has broken out now-

Muichiro kept rubbing circle motions on my back, humming to me. I didn't care about anything going on in the room- I just- what. . . ? What just happened. . . . This is a dream right?

"Sir! We've received more letters from the King!" A gaurd came in, hanind at least three letters to Muichiro's father. He nodded, then whispered something to the gaurd. The guard looked at us and nodded his head, beginning to walk over to us all.

"Please let us escort you Prince Genya, Prince Sanemi, you as well Sir Giyu. Prince Muichiro you are to come as well." He said, helping me stand up.

Muichiro raised an eyebrow and glanced at his father, than it clicked for him. He let me lean on him, the guard backed up once he saw Muichiro had me. Sanemi and Giyu stepped closer to us. Well Giyu did, Sanemi looked like he was passed out in his arms.

The Gaurds and the king exchanged words and looks but I couldn't here anything, my ears were ringing painfully. Before I knew it we were being walked down hallways and down stairs. A dungeon. . . ?

We were guided to a cell in the back, hidden by a wall. Kyojuro was sitting there looking a bit panicked. There was even food by his side but he didn't even look at it.

They put us in the cell and locked it.

"For your own safety, we promise you that we will never hurt you." The Gaurds told us.

"There you guys are what happened?" Kyojuro asked as Giyu say down with Sanemi resting on him. Muichiro helped me sit on the floor, he sat next to me and held both of my hands.

"We are hiding. Since well. . . . War is about to break out, father put us in a safe place. They won't check the dungeon first thing, and it's well fortified. Protected on the outside too." Muichiro said, looking out of the cell.

Kyojuro only went silent and looked at Giyu. Giyu just sighed and began to rub Sanemi's back.

"Good for a second I thought I was getting arrested!" He said laughing, Muichiro shook his head.

"Where's Senjuro?" Kyojuro asked again. Wait he's not here? We all looked at him confused.

"He's not with you. . . ?" Giyu asked, shifting Sanemi so his head rested in his lap. Kyojuro shook his head now looking panicked. Muichiro also looked concerned and shook his head as if he didn't know.

"Yuichiro's gone missing too. . . ." Muichiro said, he took one of his hands and raised it it his mouth.

"You don't think. . . ." He said looking back up at us scared. What? Don't think what? If they were. . . kidnapped. . . . I let out a little gasp and everyone else seemed to understand.

Muichiro looked down at the floor, his eyes were wide. I pulled him into a hug. Kyojuro leaned his back against the wall and stared at the ceiling. His eyes processing and for once he didn't have his giant smile.

Giyu reached over and patted him on the back, and gently smiled at him.

"There strong boys. I think Yuichiro can handle himself, I'm sure he'll protect Senjuro." Giyu said quietly trying to comfort Kyojuro.

Muichiro nodded,

"Brother is very strong, we are both good fighters. He'll definitely protect Senjuro, I feel bad for whoever kidnapped them." Muichiro chuckled awkwardly.

Silence. He all sat staring and different things. Mine and Muichiro's hands were still intertwined. Sanemi was asleep. I'm glad. Giyu rubbed Sanemi's back while reassuringly starting small talk with Kyojuro.

War. . . . The one thing we tried to avoid. The reason me and Muichiro were forced to marry. The reason why. . . my family is now gone. Everyone is in danger now. . . the Kanroji's, all of our other friends too. Yet, we're just stuck down here.

Do we just wait for it all to end. . . ?

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 803

Ughh why did I pick Wednesday to be my publish day- sorry it's so short-
I'm very stressed right now about my chorus concert tomorrow because we actually sound like dog shit and I hurt my throat and it's hard to sing- 😭
I promise I won't kill anyone else who's that important. . . maybe 😒 sorry for making some, most of you cry while reading the last chapter-

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