Chapter 7: The other Twin

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--(Genya POV)--

      I looked over at Muichiro, he's asleep. That's good, he needs his rest. I looked back over at my desk. I took out a piece of paper, how should I write this? I can't just say, 'Hi! My father hurt your brother, but it's ok!'. I sighed,


      Hello Prince Tokito, your Yuichiro right? Muichiro's talked a little bit about you. . . . My name's Genya, the one he's supposed to be marrying.

-Genya S.


     I didn't know what to write to him. I put the unfinished letter away, turning my focus back to Muichiro. He was still asleep, he finished his water though, I should probably go refill that for him.

      Luckily my siblings went to Teiko's room to calm down, I convinced them Muichiro needed silence and me to take care of him. I got up from the desk and made my way out of our room. There were a few things I wanted and needed to do.

      First thing, find mother. I explored the library first, then the outside gardens. She must be in her room. Luckily I don't need to worry about my father, they don't even have a shared room anymore. . . .

      I knocked on her door,

      "Yes? Give me a minute please." Her soft voice called out. She opened the door and she stared at me for a minute.

      "Hello mother." I said, she hugged me. I hugged her back.

      "Hello Genya. . . . How are you dear?" She asked, we stood in her doorway now.

      "I'm fine. . . ." I mumbled, we went into her room and we sat on some of the stools.

      "I heard what happened to Muichiro, is he alright now. . . ?" She asked. She knew how hard and painful punishments could be. She cared deeply for everyone in this castle, family or not.

      "He's recovering, but I hate that man." I scowled. She nodded.

      "Oh speaking of him. . . ." She went over to a stand that had a letter on it.

      "Ginko brought this to me because she couldn't find Muichiro, she said it was urgent. It's not my business to read it, but if he's recovering, I'd figure you could." She said, handing me the sealed letter. I inspected it, I think he trusts me enough with this, but I also don't want to invade his privacy. . . but if it's urgent. . . .

      I nodded at mother and we said our goodbyes, I started to walk around the palace again. I found myself going towards the kitchen, to get some water for Mui. Mui? That sounds cute, I'm gonna start calling him that now. I just grabbed a couple bottles of water, so I didn't have to go back and forth and so I could be there with him.

      I entered our room again, he was still passed out in bed. Snuggled into blankets and all curled up. He was so adorable. . . . I sat next to him on the bed. I fiddled with the letter in my hands. I sighed, I opened it slightly, taking the note out. I hope he doesn't mind, but mother said that it was urgent.


      Muichiro? You never responded back to the letter I sent you, are you alright? You normally reply right away. . . . Are they treating you alright? I have some news. . . . for you. . . . Well, remember last time I mentioned Mother being sick. . . ? Well- She's really sick now, she can't leave her bed. Father is scared and wants you back. Mother wants to see you before she. . . . I don't think she's going to make it brother. . . . Just- please, please stay safe over there alright?

- Yuichiro T.


      I tensed up, that wasn't good. If Muichiro's Mother is dying, then all chaos would erupt. I felt bad for his brother. The blankets shifted and Muichiro sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked at me for a minute, then smiled. He yawned.

      "Goodmorning." I said, I patted his head. He sighed and nodded, leaning on me.

      "What's that?" He said tired, he pointed at the note. I frowned.

      "It's from your brother." He focused on the note now, taking it from my hand and reading it. He froze, his breath became shaky. I can already see the tears building up in his eyes. He turned the note over as if in disbelief. He almost jumped out of bed, but froze when he stood up completely. He leaned backwards and I caught him when he fell back backwards onto the bed.

      "Thanks. . . ." He mumbled through tears. I held him in my arms for a moment sighing, then stroking his hair. He turned to face me and snuggled into me, sobbing silently. He was clutching his side.

      "I don't want her to die. . . . What if I don't ever see her again. . . ?" He mumbled quietly, I patted his back, being careful of his injury.

      "Shhh, you'll see her again, I'm sure of it." I said, shifting his weight so he was laying on our bed again.

      "Could you help me respond. . . . or just respond back?" He said he sounded tired. I nodded and went to get a note, but remembered the one I had on the desk already. So I grabbed that, he sat up to look at me and the note. We talked back and forth talking about details about what we wanted to include, and what to leave out of it. Erasing some of my previous attempts. Eventually it ended up something like this:


      Sorry Brother! I was. . . . busy. . . . Is mom ok? She'll make it, right? Is dad ok? Are you ok? Maybe we can schedule something for me to go back, or maybe you could come over- but I really don't want to leave Genya, I actually love him brother. Maybe we can ask the Kin- Queen about Genya and I coming over there- It'd be good for Genya to know our kingdom as well. . . . Just please I want you to stay safe, I'm protected over here. I want you to tell our mother I love her, ok?

- Mui


       He sat there, reading the note over and over. He grabbed what I assumed was Ginko's whistle off of the stand beside us. He blew into it and a minute later she showed up squawking her head off.

       She was ranting about how worried she was for Muichiro and how much he scared her. He apologized frantically, and Ginko just huffed. Then she glared at me and flew off. Jeez that crow has an attitude.

      "Genya. . . ?" Muichiro asked, he sounded really tired again.

      "Yes love?" I asked, looking at him. He blushed then asked,

      "Uh. . . . Can we cuddle?" He mumbled, hiding his face in the blankets. I blushed his time, frozen for a moment.

     "Of course." I said, he looked at me, uncovering his face. I scooted closer to him, getting under the covers as well. He snuggled into me and I chuckled. We stayed cuddled together for a while. I think he fell asleep on me. It was only just morning, but maybe a small nap couldn't hurt. . . .

I hope his brother gets back to us soon. . . .

~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) ~

Words: 1322

Sorry for not posting this story as much as I used to, I figured that I should dedicate some time to the oneshots because I hadn't updated them in a while. And that new story that I'm working on, all my creativity is going into those two and I'm running out of time and ideas to work on this one. But luckily, since it is a weekend, and I don't feel like working on my math. . . . I'll start writing this one more!

Also sorry the chapters are so short- I promised myself they would be really long but like- they keep getting shorter. I'll try and make it up with like two really long chapters eventually, Good news! I have the main plot done so it will be easier to write chapters and have them continue with the plot.

Anyways that's it- Byee!

Royal Gay 💛💛💛(Genya x Muichiro ; Royal Au)Where stories live. Discover now