Chapter 18: Warfare

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Warnings! - Swearing, A lot of Swearing, Blood, War, Explosion

--(Genya POV)--

I was tired. I was upset, but most importantly, I was mad. I was pissed because of my father. The father that was a key part in bringing me into this world, I hate that man with every bone in my body.

I was already heartbroken when I received the news of my family passing, being killed. Who could do that do their own kids? Who could kill their own wife?

I don't know how my family met their end, and I really don't want to imagine all the awful things my father could have done to torture them. It must have been so painful-

It made me so mad.

Then there was Yuichiro and Senjuro. Kidnapped right from the Mist Kingdom castle itself, and tortured. They could have been killed there- Senjuro escaped unharmed, Yuichiro has to stay in a bed to heal.

It broke my already broken heart seeing Muichiro so sad.

Muichiro, I love him as much as I do my family. I would be devastated if I lost him as well. I already lost so much dear to me.

But, I get to avenge them.

Yuichiro was on bed rest, with the wound on his arm, he couldn't wield a blade properly. So I offered to take his place.

Be a part of the battle. Wind Kingdom soldiers were already marching towards the border. Civilians too, civilians who believed their kings lies. It was just awful. They would be enraged if they found out the truth. That my father was the cold killer who did the killing. Not some Mist Kingdom assassin.

The Mist Kingdom army was gathering at the kingdom's gates. Normally the Queen would lead them into battle, but since she was sick, the King took her place. Both Sanemi and Giyu offered to fight as well, we need all the hands we can get.

My brother and Giyu are with the king right now, telling him details and secrets about my fathers kingdom and army. We needed to win this.

Civilians of the Mist Kingdom were forming too, everyone was trying to march out so the battle wouldn't happen in town. There would be too much destruction.

Not everyone was trained in fighting, but most men joined to protect their families. Doctors were preparing areas. There were going to be so many casualties...

The sun was only just rising, it was nice out. It was too peaceful of a day for war to break out.

Sanemi stormed out of the throne room, he looked pissed. Giyu followed, giving him a sympathetic glance.

"I'm going to fucking kill that man," Sanemi seethed, Giyu sighed.

"Genya, the king has addressed us to go straight to castle. Your castle. Turns out your father isn't going to lift a finger in this war," Giyu spoke quietly, he looked at Sanemi.

Sanemi nodded, he looked at me.

"We'll meet you outside," Sanemi said, the two began walking down the hallway.

I paused, I felt so angry at my father. Giyu said my castle... If my father dies, I become king don't I? Sanemi's been exiled from becoming the next ruler... And all other heirs are dead... My own kingdom at 16, huh. I'll make sure to be a better king than my father ever was.

I miss you Teiko, Hiroshi, Sumi, Shuya... Little Koto. None of you deserved whatever the hell my father did to you.

You'll be avenged mom. For all the pain you endured for us all while married with that man.


I turned around,


"Muichiro..." I murmured. Muichiro gave me a small soft smile.

Royal Gay 💛💛💛(Genya x Muichiro ; Royal Au)Where stories live. Discover now