Chapter 2: Kanroji's Kat Koffee Kafe

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Warning: Genya not being scared around girls because he's gay

-(Genya POV)--

I hated thunderstorms, I'm surprised I even managed to fall asleep. I slowly opened my eyes, but I was met with a light blue soft sleeping shirt. That's strange, I don't remember getting any blue pillows-

OH! Oh gosh- It was Muichiro! That explained a lot more, but why am I snuggling with him?! Right, last night. I don't understand how someone like him would like rain or thunderstorms. I wonder if he would have jumped if I didn't show up...

I really needed to get up and finish that homework, father insists I be good at math for billing and money complaints in the kingdom. I hate that man. For some reason I also didn't want to move, it was comfy and he smelled nice. He smelled nice? Yeah, it was sorta calming, he smelled like mist, or rain. Maybe because he was out in the rain, but I wasn't complaining.

It was so calming to just be right next to him... So relaxing I felt so not stressed, it was like nothing was wrong with my life...

He started to shift, I think he woke up. I noticed he paused for a minute before holding his breath, then he let out a sigh and laid back down. This time he scooted down and snuggled into me, he hugged me and then started to go back to sleep.

I think I could hear him gently snoring again. I chuckled, gosh why did he have to be so cute? I mean- Hot- Handsome- Cute- sToP- At least I wasn't marrying someone I couldn't stand.

In fact... I could even say I slightly loved him, if we were going to rule over this kingdom when my parents retire, or pass, I will treat him right.

I would never treat him how father treated mother, it was horrible. He treated her as if she were a mere trophy, something to display. The only reason he requested to marry her is because she was a princess and one that 'loved' him. Any feelings she had for him, have now surely passed. He just wanted good genes for his next generation of rulers.

The sun was in the sky now, almost noon? We'll have to meet up for lunch. It's one of the only meals we have together in this family. Maybe because father couldn't stand all of us. I mean that's his fault for not settling for one or two heir, it's not our fault we aren't his definition of 'perfect'.

I slowly shifted, I loved Muichiro, so cute and perfect. I'm surprised someone this perfect was in the Mist Kingdom... I thought they were all mean after the meeting we had a while ago. I think Muichiro was there, there was another one of him though..? We were all so small I'm surprised I even remember that.

I moved him slightly, replacing me with a pillow. I'm glad he could sleep in, rest. He'd probably be judged by father for sleeping a lot, but I don't care. In fact I haven't slept that good in a long while...

Ugh speaking of breakfast, he's probably going to be so weirded out. I love all my siblings, even the obnoxious antics of some of them. My mother probably won't stop talking about future grandchildren... Oh god- I blushed at the thought of that.

I sat down at my desk a while ago, I just didn't take out the homework. I now took out the homework and glanced at the problem I was stuck on. Of course it was the last one! If I don't finish it before father sees and remembers it, which is as soon as he meets me today, which is probably lunch. I'm dead.

I swear I was looking at just that one problem for so long! I looked back out at the sun, now almost directly at its highest in the sky. Any minute a maid or butler would come in and say we've been called for lunch.

I was so focused on the thought of explaining it to my father in front of Muichiro, I didn't even notice Muichiro himself get out of bed. He slightly waddled over to me, still half asleep, He leaned over the desk and snatched the pen from me, he scribbled down some letters and numbers, with all sort of mathematical formatting I didn't understand on a separate note,

Royal Gay 💛💛💛(Genya x Muichiro ; Royal Au)Where stories live. Discover now