Chapter 17: Misunderstanding.

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--(Senjuro's POV)--

I felt awful. I wanted to stay by Yui, but I trust Mitsuri and Shinobu. Mitsuri's been friends with my brother forever. Shinobu is a very calm, and trustworthy person who gets along great with my brother... but I just- I still want to be with Yuichiro.

I stopped looking behind me, and turned my head to look forward. Obanai was focused on what was ahead of us. Pumpkin just kept galloping forward. We both heard talking. He stopped Pumpkin, making her slow down and trot behind some trees.

We both looked and saw some people, one of them was wearing a hood and wasn't recognizable. The other one though... Gyomei! It's Gyomei and Uzui! Obanai had Pumpkin move forward a bit, Uzui saw us.

"OH! Good, we were worried you and Mitsuri didn't make it out! That would be very un-flamboyant of you two!" Uzui shouted, Gyomei looked at us and began praying. Obanai shook his head,

"We got out don't worry." He said, he hopped off of pumpkin.

"Oh... is Senjuro with you?" Gyomei asked, still praying.

"Yes he is." Obanai replied, walking pumpkin forward. I just continued sitting on pumpkin.

"Shouldn't you be in the castle?" Uzui asked, resting his chin on his hand. I nodded,

"We were kidnapped." I whispered, Gyomei began to cry and pray. Uzui looked shocked.

"Yeah kid, what did happen?" Obanai said, he turned to face me.

"Well, it was- I got separated from my brother, and then I met Yuichiro. Then everything kinda went black, we woke up in a room. And a guy came in and tortured Yuichiro, then Ginko led us away." I explained, Gyomei was praying and Uzui looked shocked. Obanai patted my shoulder, a horse trotted next to us.

It was Shinobu and Mitsuri! Tengen gasped at the sight of Yuichiro, he was still unconscious on Caramel, Mitsuri's horse. I climbed off Pumpkin and stood next to Yuichiro, looking at his face.

Mitsuri and Shinobu both gave me a sad look.

"We should keep moving to the Mist Kingdom." Shinobu told us, Mitsuri went to stand next to Obanai. Tengen walked forward with Gyomei. I stayed next to Yui, Shinobu was guiding Caramel forward.

We walked in uncomfortable silence. I couldn't help but just stare at Yuichiro. His short choppy hair- we should trim that once he wakes up. Hopefully he wakes up.

His arm and chest was bandaged up properly, thank goodness Shinobu was here too help.

"Hey... we're here." Tengen whispered as we approached the giant brick wall surrounding the kingdom.

I recognized the wall, it was the same wall we snuck in through when we traveled here for the first time with the princes.

I hope my brother is ok. I don't know what could be happening inside the castle. The king agreed to shelter us, so I can only hope everyone is ok.

There was guards protecting the entrance, it seemed much more guarded then usual. We all looked at each other, Tengen nodded and went forward.

"Hey pals! Uh by chance could ya let us in?" He waved his hand in a friendly, flashy manner. Everyone but me and Yui face palmed. Both Gaurds raised their spears at him.

"Wing Kingdom is not allowed past these gates, kings orders!" They both said in unison.

"We were.... We got special permission from the king...?" Tengen shrugged slowly, trying to convince them.

"'We'? there's more of you!? Come out now!" One yelled. We all flinched, way to go Tengen.

Slowly we all came out of the trees, but what caught their attention was Yuichiro.

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