Chapter 14: Why Can't I be Stronger?

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Warnings!: Swearing & Heavy Abuse

--(Muichiro POV)--

I was getting restless. They sent patrols out looking for both Yui and Senjuro. Nothing, Kyojuro is panicking, and I'm scared for Yui. Not to mention Genya and Sanemi are still upset and trying to cope about the news of their family. . . .

It's just awful how could anyone do that to people that young. . . . I only met his siblings for a day or two, but they all seemed so happy and young. . . . I shuddered, I didn't want to think about that anymore.

Giyuu and I were the only ones who were slightly calm, and even so it was still nerve racking. Not to mention Ginko ran off too! I hope she's safe. . . .

Oh Yuichiro! Where are you. . . . ?!

--(Senjuro POV)--

Crap! Yuichiro no- I kept him laying on his back, he was groaning, shivering.

"Hey! It's ok focus on me, deep breaths!" I said, trying to keep him focused on me. He sounds like he's in a lot of pain-

The door clicked. I panicked, slowly turning my head to look at the door.

"Oh so you shits are in here. . . ." A voice I didn't recognize said, he was a big man. I didn't like it, he had a dark and scary expression.

I began shaking, Yuichiro weakly turned his head to look at the door. The man came over,

"You shits are in a lot of trouble! Making us think you escaped, your both going to be punished. There's no point in escaping, it's hopeless. Just give up." He said, in a low, low voice. He was standing over us now.

He grabbed me by my hair suddenly, I screamed. It hurt- He threw me against the wall, and I screamed again. It really hurt- I feel like I couldn't breathe- I landed on my knees and hands, gasping for air.

"SENJURO!" Yuichiro screeched, I looked up to see the man standing over me. He grabbed me by the neck, holding me in the air. He was choking me- I couldn't breathe- What do I do?!

I grabbed his wrist, trying to stop him some how. I was gasping for air-  I began to cry, wheezing, trying to breathe.

"Fucking brats. . . ." He mumbled, tightening his grip. I yelped, trying to pull his hand off my neck. It was no use, I was too weak. . .  if only I was stronger-

"Leave him alone!" Yuichiro yelled, he had jumped on the man from behind, wrapping his arms around the mans neck and face trying to suffocate him.

The man let go of me and I feel to the ground with a thud, gasping for air. They fell backwards. Yuichiro turned, landing on top of him and still trying to suffocate him.

The man easily threw Yuichiro off of him, standing up. He looked pissed, so annoyed- It was like he was a volcano, the air around him became dark as he glared at Yuichiro.

He went over to Yuichiro, who was struggling to get back up. He grabbed by Yuichiro by the ear lifting him into the air, Yuichiro screamed.

"STOP! STOP IT!" I yelled, but I couldn't move, I was too scared. Crap! Go help Yuichiro! Move stupid!

"SHUT UP! YOU STUPID FUCKING BRATS! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU JUMP ON ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" The man yelled, looking at me then Yuichiro. Dropping Yuichiro onto the ground.

Yuichiro coughed, he only glared at the man though. I began to cry, I was frozen on the ground. I was too scared and in shock to even react.

The man kicked Yuichiro strong in the gut, causing Yuichiro to gasp, I could see the pain in his eyes. He hit the wall, falling down into a sitting position. I could see blood trickle out of his mouth.

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