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Most of the art used in this story come from Twitter user, and Amazing Artist kkkkkirrier! Check them out! In this story you follow a small town, farm raised human male, named Leon, or as those around his town, and the local city call him Leo. He was raised on the farm by his parents, and grew crops and helped around the farm at a very young age. At age 13 his parents taught him to cook, clean, and fend for himself, so that he could not only help take the work load off of themselves, but also as a benefit to himself, and whomever he'd one day marry... If anyone. From a young age, Leon took a heavy interest in fighting, having always had access to comics books about superheroes super villains fighting, along with access to television and being able to watch a channel dedicated to showing martial arts tournaments and stuff of that nature, at his young age, he'd try to mimic the movements, and actions of those on the TV! And in his comics, which soon would lead to him using these techniques he'd copy, in fights time to time with his schoolmates in boxing class. Or in fights with his bullies. At age 16, his parents saw good potential in his ability to maybe become a professional fighter someday, and so, they paid to get him into a martial arts class...

Skip forwards, and today he is 19, and has taken a job in the city near his town and home, as a chef and a Waiter! Doing two jobs, at the same time, for only the pay of one of the two positions, in a well-received but stingy restaurant! He's become rather strong; however, his strength is unable to be put to actual use... That is until he hears about a martial arts tournament coming to his city! Hoping to finally make a name for himself, he signs up, to participate in the martial arts tournament, to which he was accepted into participating in! Inviting his friends, and family to come, and watch him from the stands! Yes, Leon believes this tournament would be his chance to finally break free of his current life and show the world his worth as a professional martial artist master! But things wouldn't go the way he'd anticipated, as he'd meet, and face off against fighters he never knew existed, who's strength not only rivaled his... But surpass him in strength! Something else, his participating in the tournament will lead to making new friends, into new adventures, incredible battles of epic magnitudes, strength gains never thought possible, let alone achievable, and eventually a deeply rooted love.

Oh also Female Goku Replaces Goku in this story :3 So there's that

Oh also Female Goku Replaces Goku in this story :3 So there's that

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