Chapter 16 | Rageful Spirit!

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I float here, staring down Frieza, awaiting him to make the first move, intent on embarrassing, and ravaging the bastard with everything I have, to crush his pride, inflict fear, and tear the man apart from the inside out for the atrocities he's committed. Finally, he shouts. "I-I don't care if you are a super saiyan... I will not be defeated by some stupid MONKE-UMP!!!" He raises a fist and moved a fraction of an inch towards me, in the time it took him to do that, I closed the distance and slam a fist into his gut so deep that his skin stretched out his back like rubber, and his eyes bulged out their sockets and his pupils shrunk. I don't look over at him. I stare out into the distance behind him showing disrespect to as I show I perceived him not as any form of threat to me anymore. I could feel our powers where heavily gapped, I had the advantage... for now at least... I couldn't let him drawl out his full power or I might be in trouble... Purple blood flies out his mouth and he gags out in anger attempting to wrap his tail around my neck, as he goes for that I duck beneath it and spin around behind him wrapping my own tail around his throat tight and race straight down toward another Island and release his throat making him crash head first into the ground as a result, and slide tilling up dirt deeply to a stop at the other side of the island. "WOAH!!! D-Did You Guys see that!? I couldn't even follow Leon's movements!!! That was so fast!!!" Krillin shouts in utter disbelief of the speed.

"I-It's incredible! S-Somehow he's on a totally different level then he was moments ago!!! W-What's changed!?" Piccolo comments almost terrified by the increase of strength. Whilst Goku stared out at me with worry... Aware of a Flaw that I hadn't yet picked up on with this form I'd acquired that could end up biting me in the ass later if I'm not careful. Slowly landing atop the edge of the island I begin to walk slow and taunting towards Frieza. Frieza slowly brings himself to his feet and faces me down, throwing his arm out to the side. Wiping the blood off his chin and lip, he looks down at the stain it leaves on his palm and clenches it tightly shut into a fist, whilst expressing utter rage and unforgiveness. "Why you little... YOU DARE STRIKE THE MIGHTY LORD FRIEZA MONKEY!!!" He roars out at me, firing a death beam at me, that I didn't block, or avoid, it struck my chest, and simply left a scuff mark, didn't even explode. He widens his eyes in terror and shock whilst trembling for a moment, and taking a step back. "W-WHAT!? I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!" He shouts as I give an arrogant look that would remind one of Vegeta's look she has given so many times.

I close the distance and jab a fist into friezas chest, creating a silver shockwave out his back he coughed out blood, as he overcame the pain and stunning, he narrowed his eyes into anger, and flashed to behind me with incredible speed, and drop kicked me, I dodged with a simple lean allowing him to drop down in front me and arced my fist into his gut, he barfed out more blood as a even more intense shockwave bursts out his back. His eyes rattle inside his skull as it's delivered. I stare directly into his eyes without a hint of mercy. "oooh ohhh ahhh ahh mother fucker" I make a fake sarcastic monkey impression before reeling back and slamming my fist into his face and the flashing image of his skull cracking all over and nearly shattering flashes around us for those watching, before he's sent rocketing across the planet flipping and rolling through the air till he came to an abrupt stop after putting his arms and legs out spread eagle. I stare out into the distance seeing the whole center of his face was violently bruised, and give an amused grin that you'd likely see Vegeta give in a situation like this. "Goku... Take Gohan and the others far away from here... I can take this from here" I tell my wife, aware that they'd only be distractions at the moment if they remained in the area. "But dad! We can-" Goku interrupts our son. "No, as we are now, there's nothing we can do to help with this fight, we'll only be in the way if we stay." Goku explains to our son, Krillin nods, and Piccolo reluctantly leaves with them, they get far enough away that I don't have to worry for them, but close enough that they can remain watching from a safe distance.

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