Remaster Available

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I decided to call the Sequel more of a remaster of the Original. Be aware that the story despite being a remaster, is mostly different, for example, far less narration reliance compared to this story. Most if not all of the original story AKA this one is Narration as Opposed to the Remastered Dragons Fury, which will rely on primarily only a paragraph of beginning narration to recap briefly time to time events of the previous chapters. Then the ending paragraph to create suspense. Otherwise I rely almost entirely on Point of View interactive scenes to tell the story. Chapter one of this remaster is out, but once again! Be aware it's name is miss leading, and is mostly a stand alone produce compared to this one but harboring the name of the product. This said, I also want to point out the quality of the remastered product, in comparison to the current and original is far superior, I took my time with the new one, as opposed to this one, which I created in it's entirety no joke, in the same month as the first to final chapter of. (seriously I created the Original Dragons Fury in a time span of just over a singular months time) The popularity startled me and I tried to push myself to hard to fast with the original to keep the popularity high on it. As a result the original hit a blow in quality significantly. Something that will not be repeated in the remaster of which is available. The story exists on my account, and here is the cover art to help better locate it. Enjoy!


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