22 Chapter | The Virus!

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After the Z fighters split up into the city to search for the androids, Yamcha who makes his way to one of the lower parts of the city encounters the Androids. The Androids resemble people, so they go undetected by Yamcha. Android 20 reveals himself as an Android by grabbing Yamcha by the mouth and draining the majority of his energy. There are two of them, Android 19 and Android 20. As Yamcha struggles, Android 20 punches him through his chest, severely wounding him. Goku, Leon, Piccolo, and the others, who sense Yamcha's life force disappearing, arrive shortly after, finding the Androids and Yamcha, who is laying on the ground, dying. Goku asks Krillin to evacuate Yamcha and get him a Senzu Bean before it is too late. The Androids are eager to fight, but Goku tells them that there are too many innocent people around. Android 20 decides to "fix" the problem by using his eye lasers to destroy every living thing nearby. This infuriates Goku, who then throws a punch at Android 20. Android 20 seems unaffected by the impact. To which then Leon convince the Androids to move away from the city in order to fight without harming anymore innocent bystanders. After Yamcha is completely healed with a Senzu Bean, he follows Krillin and Gohan to find the others.

They come to a deserted, rocky area and Goku offers to fight first. However, Goku is clearly not her usual confident self, as she appears to already be tired and out of breath just from flying to this location. It becomes apparent that Goku is experiencing some mild effects from the heart virus, which takes its toll six months later than Future Trunks had predicted. Regardless, she decides to fight Android 19, and transforms into a Super Saiyan. Android 20 is surprised by this transformation because, while he spied on Goku's battle with Vegeta and earlier, he did not observe the battles that took place on Namek, including the colossal battle between Goku and Frieza in which Goku achieved Super Saiyan for the first time. However, Android 20, unaware of the extraordinary powers of Super Saiyans, claims it is just a "minor setback" and believes that Android 19 will still be able to defeat Goku. He then seems to be proven wrong when Goku and Android 19 engage in battle, as Goku's Super Saiyan strength and speed is superior to that of Android 19. Goku seems to have the upper hand during the beginning of the battle. Meanwhile, the Z Fighters watch the fight from below. Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha cheer Goku on, believing that she will easily win against the Android. However, Leon, Gohan, and Piccolo sense that something is wrong, and they notice that something is taking away from Goku's energy. She's increasingly becoming more tired and out of breath, greatly lacking the power and energy of her usual self.

The fight continues and Goku's condition rapidly deteriorates, as her punches and kicks seem to have little effect on Android 19. Goku struggles to create a Kamehameha, which Android 19 absorbs with his hand. Piccolo then warns Goku not to use any energy blasts against the Androids. Goku gets weaker by the minute and expresses that she feels like she is dying. She clutches her hand to her chest, and at this point, Leon realizes that the heart virus is attacking her. Krillin then gives Goku a Senzu Bean, but it has no effect against the virus, and Goku's condition continues to worsen. Android 19 takes advantage of this apparent weakness, hitting Goku with several kicks and punches before knocking her to the floor. Android 19 then sits on top of Goku, wrapping his hand around Goku's neck in order to drain her of her energy. The Z Fighters try to help her but Android 20 blocks their path. Goku lays dying as her energy is drained by the Android until...

---Leon Pov---

"GET... OUT... OF MY WAYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I roar out with zero patients swinging a punch at Android 20, erupting into LSSJ mid swing, and catching him off total guard, my fist clashes with the side of his face, and pieces of his face's material burst off it and reveals pieces of wire and circuits. A moment later being rocketed back first against his stupid clowning android 19, sending one another off, and away from Goku. I speed vanished atop a knee before Goku, and sit her up in my arms. Panting, and gripping her chest near the heart, she can't even open her eyes, and looked to be in intense pain! "Damn it Goku! That boy told you to take that medicine!!!" I scold her, aware this could had easily been avoided. "This isn't the time dad!!!" Gohan growls, sliding along side me with his hair flickering Golden for a mear moment... I feel incredible power that rivaled my own and maybe even surpassed it for a moment when it did but it quickly subsides with in him, at the sight of his mother fighting for her life against the virus. Standing up, Android 20, and 19 dust themselves off. "My Data appears to be rather outdated on this boy's power." 20 states, as I glare over towards him, the center of my eyes glow red, and leave a red line trail as I took them off Goku. Upon taking my eyes onto him, I find 19 had speed vanished away, I couldn't sense these Androids power, so I didn't see him reappear behind me, and reaching out to put me in a nelson in attempt to steal my energy. "LEON!!! BEHIND YOU!!!" Piccolo roars out a warning, as I glare back over my shoulder, Vegeta arrives slamming her feet and body weight into 19's face sling shotting him across the land sliding atop it's side to a stop. Landing behind me, Vegeta holds a fist up near her face, and growls out. "No body is killing that clown Kakarot except for me! And no one lays a finger on my husband without answering to me!!! UNDERSTAND!"

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