Chapter 26 | What's... Wrong... Here...

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!!!If you don't like how this chapter goes, tell me, and I'll rewrite it!!!

---Cell Games Saga---

---Imma Skip the last two days... Heres the run down, Leon trained in the Gravity chamber at Bulma's at 500G for both days, all day---


Before the cell Games Goku pays a visit to New Namek and asks Dende to become the new Guardian of Earth. Eager to see Gohan again, Dende accepts the offer and creates a new Shenron, capable of granting three wishes, though this could be reduced to two if one wish took too much effort. After this everyone Except for Vegeta gathers on the day of the Cell Games at the Lookout, and from there travel together to the Cell games, with the intentions and understanding that Leon would go first in the fight against Cell. Before leaving the Lookout, Piccolo makes a common on how Leon seemed a lot stronger than he did when he left the time chamber with Goku, and then Later Vegeta... Asking about how he managed to increase his strength so heavily, in such a short time with out the Time Chamber. Leon laughs it off as intense training in the Gravity chamber for the last two days before they linked up to fight Cell, Goku comments that Leon suddenly one morning decided to start training in Bulma's gravity chamber alone, and wouldn't come home at all for the last two nights. Piccolo suspects that something happened, and that Leon had seen something in his sleep, but doesn't make any mention of it.

When the tournament commences, Leon decides he would be the first one to fight Perfect Cell. However, the World Champion Mr. Satan, along with his students in combat, Caroni and Pirozhki, attempt to fight Perfect Cell first, though each of them are easily flicked away and disqualified. First, Caroni attempts to attack Cell from high up, and Cell sent him even higher with his enormous energy. After falling, Caroni was convinced that Cell was tremendously powerful. Pirozhki attempts to rush at Cell head-first, only to be flicked backward by Cell's simple energy, which seemed too much for Pirozhki to handle. Mr. Satan then attempts to attack Cell with a slew of punches and kicks only to be knocked into the mountains. After this, throughout the entire tournament, Mr. Satan decides to claim he is suffering from intense stomach pains in order to avoid fighting Cell. He also calls the techniques in the ring "tricks" or "illusions".

---Leon Pov---

"Welp... Guess it's my turn huh!" I casually state, after watching that hilarious display of those idiots getting delt with by cell before any of us got a round in. I step forwards to enter the wring, and Goku stops me, taking my hand. "Wait-" She places a kiss on my cheek, and gives me a be careful look. "Take that... For good luck... Remember, if he ends up being to much, just step out, and I'll take him... Alright?" she tells me in a loving, and passionate tone. I glance over at her and nod. With that sight, Vegeta only scoffs. But even she mutters. "Be careful Hon..." I glance over to Vegeta who stood across from us, and I nod. Releasing my hand, Goku allows me to get into the ring. Stepping into it, I slowly make my way near the center, but keep a good distance from Cell, then I stop and stare out at him, with my arms to my sides. Uncrossing his arms, he loses that annoyed face, and smiles, amused, and happy to see a REAL fighter entering the ring to challenge him. "As I'm sure you know by now, I've been waiting for this..." He starts, whilst sounding taunting near the end. "Killing the helpless quickly grows old." He adds. "I'm ready to test my body... So do... make things interesting for me." He states, taking up a stance that told he was ready to start this little fight. I slowly take up a stance that I haven't used since my first Martial arts tournament for old time sake... seeing as this was a tournament of sorts...

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