Chapter 37.5

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---Later That Afternoon---

---Leon Pov---

"So... wait... You had a power level of over 10,000!? At birth!? That's.... Incredible! So must have been a pretty gifted fighter growing up huh?" I state, finding that to be insane! She glances away from me crossing an arm over her knees and placing her hand on that arm. "Well... Not exactly... for as long as I can remember, I always struggled to contain this power, it drove me insane as my father would put it. I couldn't control my power, and it seemed to thin my ability to with stand my temper... The smallest things could trigger my rage... though I never hurt father... I tended to destroy portions of planets that which we resided on in my rage... Father always reeled me back in before I'd destroy our planets we resided on... But by then the damage was always done... and we'd have to move planets as a result..." She explains, whilst I nodded, continuing to listen, King Kai asked her a question. "So, what your saying is, you where a very incredibly strong fighter, but the power was to much for you to control, and would often throw you over your rockers if not careful." She nods confirming his statement.

"I see... it's rare, but not uncommon for a warrior to struggle with containing their own power and keeping it in check with out the proper training..." He states, looking away with his arms behind his back and crossed. "So... What happened to your father? How come he wasn't with you on yardrat?" I ask her, getting a bit personal. She glances away from me once more, and speaks with shame on her face. "Well... A long time ago, Father left me to die on a far off planet on the edge of the galaxy... See, a while back, years before then, he began to struggle with reeling me back in, and one day, in a fit of anger, and frustration, he slashed me with a energy blast across my back, in an attempt to force me into submission via violence... The scar is still back there... If you want to see-" She states, lifting her hair off her back a little, whilst I leaned around her, seeing a narly deep scar across her back. I give her a subtle look of pity, and sorrow for her in the moment.

"In my limited control state, I couldn't control, nor stop myself, I lashed out, and hit him after that, leaving a scar over his eye, and permanently blinding him in one eye. Seeing him in pain, immediately drove me into control again... and I stopped myself... I told him I was sorry, and wished, and begged for forgiveness, and he said he forgave me, and we said nothing more of it... about a week later, I woke from sleep to him putting on this *Point's at amulet* onto my head... I asked him what he was doing, concerned about what it was he was planning. I struggled for a bit, but ultimately he managed to put it on me, and after that, I became a slave to his will, and command... he could control my moods, and even put electric pulses of shock through out my body, after putting the neckless onto me later on... after he seen these devices worked, he decided to use me as his puppet... or slave to conquer the universe. He stopped treating me like a daughter... or like family, and instead I became an item, a pet at his disposal... I was scared of him after that... afraid to stand up to him, whilst also being afraid to lose control if I ever did stand up to him.... There was one time, where I did finally stand up to him... After he tried to use me to conquer a planet full of aliens... at first, I didn't resist, until faced with a family...

They were so scared... and so filled with terror in their eyes, it was the first, and the last time I stood up to my father, and I was forced by these stupid device's to complete the bidding, and after the planet was conquered, he punished me for my attempts of resistance, and beat me senseless for a week straight... That did it in for me... I started to loose hope... lost faith in the world, I was scared that this would be my life... I didn't think anyone had the strength or courage to break me free of what I saw as a curse... then, one night, during a nightmare, just like one I just had today... I erupted into this form... I think you called it Legendary Super Saiyan... The form overwhelmed both my father, and the devices he used to control me... I thought I'd broken free... but instead, I'd only sealed my fate... the device malfunctioned, and left me in a constant state of anger, and rage... constantly fueling me with anger that I could barely contain at times... Father abandoned me in south Galaxy... and made a run for it I remember him saying he had hope that his other daughter would be of better use to him then me, he left me to die... in a fit of rage, I went through out the whole galaxy, unable to control this anger, and destroyed every planet, moon, and star in sight in a bid to seek vengeance upon him for what he'd put me through... Despite in my heart, never wishing to hurt him... the device pushed me... and strived me to do it... in the few moments of control from the confines of rage, I'd cry... and dream and lose even more hope... at times I felt like ending myself via throwing myself at a sun... But never had the strength to commit..." She explains, whilst I and King Kai, stood in silence having heard her story. I continue to stare at her, with my mind processing it all, and thinking of how to go about things.

 I continue to stare at her, with my mind processing it all, and thinking of how to go about things

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I crouch down beside her/in front her, and wrap my arms around her in a comforting fashion. I speak with a voice of defeat, thinking back when I last felt her power, and the first time I felt it years ago... Had I only managed to wake up quicker... or tracked her energy down a little faster... Maybe I could have put a stop to her suffering sooner! I can't even begin to imagine, how scared, alone, and hopeless things where for her out there... trapped in a endless cycle of rage, that she couldn't control, mixed with a power she didn't know how to control... "I promise you Brola.... No matter what happens. I will not let what happened to you, ever happen again... I swear by it..." I assure her in a gentle, but noble tone of protective nature. She blushes, whilst expressing surprise, and amongst that, soon enough thanks, and appreciation, mixed with soft at peace nature. She gently brings her hands up my sides, and hugs around my back gently pressing my chest against her own. "~Thank you Leon... That means a lot." She states, weakly with her eyes closed, and a single tear dripping onto my shoulder.

---End Of Chapter 37.5---

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