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Compared to Thailand, London's summer weather was merciful for the young man far away from home. It was nearing autumn and cooling down.

Win held a pretty paper shopping bag with embossed lettering while walking back to his dorm, and the nice weather tempted him to take a break and sit in the park.

Kensington garden was near the university and was full of people. Win sat down on the green grass and looked around at people passing by and the blue sky.

Win had graduated with his masters degree at last, but still hadn't returned home because he was working on things for View.

His younger brother had finished high school and had been accepted to a college here in England. Nong was so excited and thought he could live with Win, but their schools weren't near eachother.

More importantly Win had graduated and didn't intend to live abroad, so View would be studying here on his own.

Win brushed back his black hair that had grown so long again he could almost tie it back. He glanced at his watch to see it was 2pm. In Thailand it would be around 3, he decided to call a certain young man.

The phone rang a few times before the person answered. His face popped up on the screen smiling brightly. His sunshine-like face was what fueled the lonely Win.

I've lost it, I've gotten so cheesy. Win scolded himself and smiled at the person on the phone.

"Did you just get back?" He asked. Team had wet hair and had probably just taken a shower.

"Ah today was an open house preparation meeting, I just came back to shower. Hia, didn't you have work today?" Team asked with a suprised face.

He had thought Win would be at his part time job, so he didn't expect to get to talk to him today.

"I had something else to do." Actually Win had just quit, to prepare to go back to Thailand.

"I don't get why you wanted to have a part time job anyway. You had a scholarship and your family pays your bills."

Win patted the bag he had with him and smiled.

"Come on sometimes I'd want my own money for things."

Team nodded and updated Win on things. Swim club performance had improved and he had gotten recommendations from the university. He was on track to reach his dream.

"What's the club doing for the open house?"

"Guess." Team said with a bored face.
"Don't tell me it's dunk tank."

"Yep. Can you believe it? I had everyone put a suggestion in a bucket and that's what we drew, it was my paper."

"Then why would you write that one?" Win laughed until his stomach hurt. This kid always had something funny to tell him.

"I couldn't think of anything else."

"Hahahaha." Win laughed and switched topics, "Have you talked to your advisor about continuing to study after graduating? It's your fourth year it would be good to prepare now."

"I talked to them, it should be fine. I can do my masters at the sports science faculty as long as I don't fail the test."

Win frowned, "Don't tell me you're failing English again ."

"Wow." Team grabbed a towel and dried his hair and arms, passing over a tattoo.

The tattoo that Win had flown over from England to take him to get. It was on his upper arm.

"To study with Hia I'll save up for a ticket to see you at the end of the year." Team really did intend to visit Win over Christmas break with his family.

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