pt.1 explanations

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Harry believed that people took joy in
Acting important while pretending to care one way or another about a person and their needs.
He believed it made people feel special and good about themselves, when in reality they were just pathetic lying wretches.

*trigger warnings: NONE

"Harry?" Remus called "breakfast is ready! I made your favorite meal! Strawberry jam on toast with a side of eggs!" Sirius, harry's other godfather and Remus's husband, came flying down the stairs at the mention of food.
"You mean our, favourite food." Sirius corrected, as he came around the table to kiss his husband.
"Coming!" Harry called back. " Don't let Sirius eat everything! You know he will!' harry said as he continued to finish getting ready, today he was wearing a baggy pink sweater with some yellow jeans, he added a choker to his outfit to cut through all the bright colors, after that he went to go to the bathroom and fight a valiant fight against his hair to get it to finally sit properly, but once more his hair claimed another victory against him. Finishing up with his morning routine, he ran downstairs in hopes that Sirius did not eat his breakfast, and Harry's along with it, seeing that Remus was guarding a plate of food with his life from Sirius harry sighed in relief. " Thanks rem." Harry said to his other godfather, " I don't know what I would do without you."
"Starve! That's what you would do. and we can't have that. Now eat up! We are going to visit diagon alley after breakfast." Remus told the two men in front of him.
"Why are we going to diagon alley?" Harry asked curiously. " We are-" Remus started but then got rudely interrupted by Sirius, " we are going to get you new school supply's!!!" Sirius said with excitement.
' why would I need school supply's? I have everything I need at home." Harry said.
"Well, me and Remus have decided it would be good for you meet new people outside of us, and we think public school is the best way to do that for you." Sirius said with sadness."you won't be alone though, Remus has been hired as the DADA teacher for Hogwarts."
""But wouldn't that mean your alone?" Harry asked feeling bad about the idea of leaving Sirius all alone.
"Nope!" Remus popped back into the conversation. "Sirius has been registered as my personally training assistant! In his dog form of course!" Remus snickered.
"Your godfather thought to register me as an assistant but so kindly forgot to say that i am a living breathing human!" Sirius huffed.
"So your both going with me!" Harry said excitedly.
"You betcha kiddo" Sirius said while ruffling harry's hair.
"Hey!" Harry yelled indignantly.
Remus and Sirius chuckled at this and told harry to go start packing a bag for Hogwarts while they get ready to go to diagon alley.
"And remember to bring money Incase you want anything special!" Remus shouted up the stairs.
"Okay!" Harry yelled back.
As he packed harry saw Sirius creep up the stairs. " What are you doing padfoot?'
Harry asked suspiciously.
" Ahh!" Sirius exclaimed jumping.
"You scared me pup!" Sirius said.
" As for what I was doing, I was coming upstairs to give you this." Sirius told harry.
"What is it?" Harry asked with barely contained curiosity.
" It's a two way mirror, me and remmy have one for when you need to contact us or vice versa." " We thought it would come in handy." Sirius said with pride.
" Padfoot..." Harry said softly.
"Thank you so much! To say the least I was kinda worried about how we would communicate." Harry said nervously.
" Well no need to worry now pup!" Sirius said brightly. " Now I need to go pack myself, but remember to put that somewhere safe got it?'
" Yes sir!" Harry said with mock respect.
" Your going to be the death of me cub." Sirius said laughing to himself as he went downstairs.

*Authors note*

Hello everybody! This is my first story and it's been really fun to write so far!
I apologize for any grammar mistakes as I am doing all of this on a phone. ( R.I.P my thumbs...) Feel free to leave constructive criticism, but any hate will be deleted. Read tags before reading more pls.
I will put any and all trigger warnings at top. Thank you! And good day/night to you all! :)

Word count:743

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