pt 5. Mysterious Run In

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Things won't always go as expected, and when that happens, people tend to try and change the outcome. But I wonder, what would happen if you just, went with it, and continued down the path that your fate takes you?


Harry woke up many times through the night. Finally he gave up on trying to get good sleep and just chose to stay awake lying in his room. Soon enough harry heard the other Slytherins getting up from their beds. Harry made his way out of his bed, and to his bathroom to get prepared for the day to come.
Harry combed his hair the best he could, and started dressing for the day. He planned to confront Sirius and Remus about being the golden boy this evening after the houses retired to their rooms.
Harry chose a blue sweater and some black and white cow print pants to start the day. He checked on his companions and fed Hedwig, the others hunted themselves. Harry chose to leave the kneazels in his room for the time being, not wanting to cause trouble on the first day. Harry then sent Hedwig with a letter to moony, telling him of his findings, and put feirian around his torso under his sweater. After finishing with his morning harry walked out into the common room.
As soon as he walked out though, there was a Slytherin girl jumping on top of him. He let out a yelp of surprise and threw the girl off him.
Her housemate introduced her as Millicent, and told him that she would jump anyone she did not think looked good enough to represent Slytherin.
Harry assumed this was because of his hair and the way he was dressed, all the other slytherins were in uniform and had pristinely brushed hair. Millicent stood up and winced while grinning at harry.
"Anyone who can throw me like that is worthy of my respect." Millicent said teasingly.  Harry scoffed and walked away smiling, as he made his way to the great hall he did not notice the twins following him. Suddenly one of the twins.jumped out from hiding and yelled "boo!" Harry jumped and instinctually slapped him. Finding that it was George who he slapped he gave him a pat on the head and walked away. He made his way to the great hall and opened the doors, walking towards Slytherin table. The twins sat beside him when he reached the table. Harry admired the twins for their boldness and how they did not judge others immediately off of their blood status, it was a quality that he admired in someone. They are breakfast, and as they finished harry looked at his schedule. Harry had transfiguration as his first class, double potions, and divination at the end of the day, after that they would have an all house meeting which would allow the different houses to familiar themselves with each other.
Overall harry was excited about his first day, but there was going to be the conversation with Sirius and Remus, he dreaded it but he knew the question had to be addressed. Who was he?
Harry was not all to scared of who he might be, he was just mad he was not told about who he was. The Slytherins made it sound like he was bad, and he did not think that was the best first impression of the person he was supposedly know to be.
He had so many questions about who he was, was he harry potter, or was he someone completely different?  He grew tired of thinking about it. He finished eating with the twins and left for his first class, transfiguration.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  time skip!!!

Harry entered his transfiguration class, and of course the first thing to happen was feirian slythering out from his hiding place in Harry's shirt. He went unnoticed for most of the class until he moved from under the desk at which harry was sitting. At once everyone started to panic, people threw things and people screamed, harry could not calm everything down, so at least he signaled to the professor for help. McGonagall stopped everyone at once, harry picked feirian up and scolded him.
* Fierian! You can't just move about like that! Nobody knows about you!*
Fierian hissed something back that sounded oddly like a chuckle about how they all knew about him now.
" Mr. Potter! " Professor McGonagall scolded. " You know there are not supposed to be reptiles on the wards! "
Harry pouted stubbornly.
" I can control him! I can understand him and talk to him! He won't step out of line!" Harry protested with frustration.
The professor sighed.
" We will talk about this with all the other teachers, their input will decide where we go from here." McGonagall told him. And then quietly she said, " only the first day of class and trouble is already being caused." The professor continued to mutter as the students went about to finish their assignment. As they finished their project, professor McGonagall said to leave the project on her desk and head to their next class. Harry, took his chance and made his way out of transfiguration and to his next class. Potions.
As he arrived to the dungeons to enter the potions class a gravely voice interrupted him.
"Looking for something potter?" The voice said sharply.
Harry looked up and saw Severus Snape, the potions teacher.
" Actually, yes sir. I was looking for your class. Mind leading me there?" Harry said cheekily. Snape glared at harry and harry smiles back with glee.
Snape resigned to drag harry to the classroom, harry waited for all the students to file into class, soon class started. Professor Snape went over his speech on how potions is not the basic work of wands, and that waving a stick will not help anyone in his class. After that Snape immediately started harry with a difficult question.
" Now Mr. Potter, as our schools new most FAMOUS celebrity, I assume you know something as simple as the difference between these two ingredients." Snape held up some odd shaped plants.
"Well professor, "harry started with a challenge to his voice. " They are the same plant, both used in the same potion, wolfsbane. The only difference is the time in which it's harvested." Professor Snape breathed in sharply, " and where, I may ask, will I find a beozar Mr. Potter?" Snape practically growled. No student had answered that question correctly with such confidence in his time as a teacher. " In a goats stomache. "
Snape glared at harry. "Sir"
Harry smiles. " No need to call me sir professor!" Professor Snape was fuming. He pulled himself together and continued to teach his lesson. The lesson passed pretty quickly after Snape stopped picking fights with harry.
As they packed up to leave class a boy approached him. " Hello! I am draco, draco Malfoy." He said it snobbily. Harry raised his eyebrows. " Yes, I have heard such." Draco then continued to spew on about a friendship with harry, harry eventually agreed just to get draco away from him. Harry ran to divination, draco talked for so long that he was late. Divination was not very special that day. They looked at some glass balls, predicted the future, and left. Harry found it weird how many different ways the professor said he would meet his end.
Harry was walking towards the Slytherin quarters, until he bumped into Quirrel.
Harry jumped startled and ended up knocking him and the professor down. Harry landed on the professor, his head falling on his chest. Harry looked up with a blush as he apologized profusely for the run in. Then, he noticed the professors eyes were not the greenish blue they normally were, they were blood red.
Harry gasped. He knew may have acted fine during their last meeting but harry had thought the eyes were just the light, not that they were actually changing from blue to red. Harry looked the professor up and down, he then looked back up to the professor's face, he could see those red eyes looking him up and down predatorially. Harry shuddered at the sudden focus of the man's attention.

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