Dumbledore and Voldemort

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Harry woke up, nervous of how he was going to tell Voldemort about his horcrux. He decided it would be best to write a letter, he did not want to face the man's wrath when he got angry. Harry letter started off similar to a disclosed document, he charmed it so that it could only be opened by Voldemort. His letter went like this,
*My dearest lord,
I hope I find you in good health and good prosperity. I wish to tell you of some very important and potentially angering news. I have your diary,
The one you gifted to me.
Apparently, it it sentiant and can take a semi human form that resembles a sixth year you. You are a perverted bastard as a sixteen year old. That jerk off me all worked up, and then left. He just left. I would give your diary back or you to punish Tom, however I fear you might do something to it. I will be keeping it locked in a secret place until I feel I want to let Tom out. I am writing a letter, I do not know how angry you will be and I do not want to find out.

~Sincerely, Harry.

The letter was spotty, but it would do what he had wanted to tell the dark lord.
Now he planned to run off to the shrieking shack and hoped Voldemort did not come out to see him In a rage. He worried that the dark lord would be angry at his younger self, not that Tom did not deserve it.
He brought enough supplies to last him tonight at the shack, he prayed Voldemort would not find him.

His luck was not great. He could feel Voldemort's anger and he was slowly getting closer and closer towards him.
Soon enough the doors slammed open and revealed an angry and hot dark lord. Harry was not given much chance to react before he was pushed against the bed and questioned.

"What did he do to you!"Voldemort asked, demanding.
"He teased me like a bastard..." Harry pouted.
"So he touched you..." Voldemort looked pissed. Harry found his jealous possessiveness attractive.he would only be telling that to Voldemort.
Voldemort traced his jaw line and leaned down towards his neck.
Harry jumped, surprised.

"What are you doing my lord...?"
Harry asked him cautiously.

"Taking what is mine." Voldemort then bit him, hard, letting a mark fade into his pale skin. Harry groaned at the feeling. Voldemort traced a line down his chest, harry shuddered.

"Voldemort..." Harry looked at Voldemort. " You won't tease me like that awful bastard Tom did, will you?" Harry made himself look pitiful.

"..." Voldemort was quiet. Then he grinned and pulled away. "You don't get satisfaction. Not after you allowed yourself to be touched by another. Have fun taking care of yourself....harry" Voldemort crooned into his ear.
And with that, the man disappeared.
Harry cried out in frustration, hating the lack of attention.
He decided to roll over. If that was the game that the man wanted to play, then he could count harry in. Harry would not let that jerk just have his way with him, if he wanted to punish harry, harry might as well do the same to him. Harry fell asleep, dreaming about the wonderfully cruel ways he could punish the riddles. he just could not wait for his satisfaction. He rested well that night.
Harry was violently awoken by rolling out of the bed. He cast a charm and saw that it had already passed his first class. He hurried fast so that he could make it to his next class with professor trelawny.
He did not particularly like the woman, but he enjoyed divination.
His day was pretty normal besides his rough start and his classes went by quickly. His last class was with Voldemort, he and DADA. Harry decided to skip. This could be his first attempt at punishment. Just thinking of the rage that would ignite in the possessive and controlling professor left him salivating like a dog waiting for a bone. He could not wait to feel the divine pleasure of revenge.
It was not long before harry felt the angry magic of Voldemort. He hid out, and sounded Voldemort everywhere he went, testing the man and making him more and more angry. Harry was in his room when he finished the chase with Voldemort, he still has Tom locked in the diary in his desk. He was surprised to hear a knock at the door. He had expected Voldemort, but instead he saw dumbledore.
Dumbledore invited himself into the room and sat on the chair.

"Harry! My boy!"

Harry shuddered. "Professor, I don't want to have to earn you not to call me that again." He earned a disapproving look from Dumbledore but harry could honestly care less about what dumbledore felt.
"Why are you here?" Harry asked the man.

"To talk to you! You seem like a very capable and intelligent young man and there were a few things I would like to discuss with you!" The man's eyes twinkled suspiciously.

"What about exactly?" Harry asked.

"Well harry, I wanted to talk to you about my group. It's a group called the order of the Phoenix and we are a group built of people who want to fight to destroy Voldemort." Dumbledore looked at harry.

"I thank you for this opportunity, but I decline. I do not wish to be a part of an order, nor do I wish to put my life on the line. I apologize sir." Harry looked at Dumbledore, a neutral expression across his face.

"But harry-" Dumbledore began.

"Sir, I already refused. I do not wish to think about it. I do not want to be a part of the order. I appreciate the offer, but I won't join." Harry glared at dumbledore, not wanting to deal with the old man's manipulation at the moment. Dumbledore sighed and stood up to leave.

"I accept your decision harry." Dumbledore told him tightly.

Harry knew Dumbledore was royally pissed, who would ever reject a request from the order?
Harry would.
With Dumbledore gone, harry laid down on his bed, cuddling with the two purring kneazles who lay beside him. Lunar to his left, and eclipse to his right.
Feirian was hanging on the canopy above his bed and Hedwig was napping. Harry was content with how the evening played out. Little did he know the very angry Voldemort was dealing out crucio's like uno reverse cards. Voldemort was making a plan to invade Hogwarts, and harry would soon find out what that means for him and everyone else around him.
Voldemort knew harry would love this plan, and he could not wait to tell him all about it.


Hello! I am so so so so so so sorry for not posting recently, I don't really have an excuse, I am just lazy and working on new story lines lol. I hope I can be forgiven. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Make sure to take care of yourself! You deserve it!


Word count:1210

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