The First Meeting

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" Just because you may be friends with the foe does not mean the foe is friends with others, watch yourself and the people surrounding you, because if you don't you might not get the chance in the future."


*TW: suggestive comments.

Harry was anxiously anticipating this meeting since it would be his first of what the hoped would become many. He was a little unsure of what to do however, considering the clothes he was given . Harry was gifted a very nice set of clothes that consisted of a black dress shirt with a loose tie, some small dark shorts, tennis shoes and a big black lab coat to go over the shirt. Along with the clothes he was given a beautiful black mask with gold and silver lining all across it. Harry begrudgingly walked to his bathroom with the clothes and changed into them and with a gasp he looked at himself, seeing a stunning figure in place of the scrawny sick boy he was just moments before. He immediately decided that he would go to the meeting if only in hopes that Voldemort would not take the outfit back.

With a final breath he ran out the giant door in his room through the dark forest and to the shrieking shack. Once he arrived at the shack he had to be careful as to not alarm the giant tree protecting it so as to not get hurt. Harry arrived inside the shack with much ease considering he was not extremely familiar with the place . He was surprised when he entered it however because the first thing he saw was not the scaly face of Voldemort but a tall, pale, and very handsome man.
It was all harry could do to fight the blush rising up on his cheeks as the said older man began to stalk twards him in a way that could only be described as predatory. He watched as Voldemort walked around him a few times and then suddenly coming to a halt in front of him.

"You are a wonderful specimen dear harry. I can't wait to see the look on my death eaters faces when they see you."

Harry could not stop the fiery blush that dressed his face. And gathering some of his pride he told Voldemort to take him away.
"Hmm. Yes I could take you many places dear harry, you must be more specific or you will not be able to get angry when I-"
Voldemort paused for a moment.
"-misunderstand the things you say."
Harry did not know if it was possible to even blush more but apparently it was because he had started to fell dizzy from his blood rushing towards his face, and the not so appreciated blood rushing south.
He quickly put aside the thoughts that were trying to rush through his head and clarified that he wanted to go to the meeting with Voldemort.
"Very well, but before I take you to my meeting you need to be aware of some rules. The first is that at meetings you are eto address me as "my lord" or "master", the next thing to know is that the mask I gave you is special. That mask means you are under my sworn protection. And the very last thing to know is that at some meeting there is blood. Do not scream, cry, or show any sign of fear, it will make you look weak. Clear?" Harry looked down.
Voldemort grabbed his chin and forced his face up to look at his own.
"Look at me when you speak boy. Voldemort said this while grinning at the flustered look on Harry's face.
"Yes. I understand.... Sir." Harry said quietly, quickly averting his gaze when he was released.
"Good boy." Voldemort praised. "Now follow me."
Harry followed his down a cranky stairway and into a old room where a bunch of masked figures sat.
Voldemort took a seat as harry stood awkwardly by his side.
"Take a seat." He gestured to the chair next to him.
Harry smiled under his mask and sat with a newfound grace, surprisingly pleased with the frightened aura around the room, along with the not so silent whispers about him.
Soon Voldemort had gone off on a long tangent but then things got especially interesting when one bold death eater, presumably a jealous woman with curly hair and crazy eyes, threw off her masks and started crying about harry and his place next to Voldemort. To say the least the was quieted fast after a quick and painful crucio. Suddenly harry heard Voldemort say his name. This caught Harry's attention and so he was suddenly much more in tune with the conversation at hand.

" Harry potter has shown up at Hogwarts, but some unforseen events have turned out cause in a different direction, for that very harry potter we were trying to hunt and kill all these years, is now aligned with us. that very harry potter is sitting right beside me." Voldemort concluded his speech and glared at the room, daring anyone to challenge him.
"I have chosen to make potter my consort"
That caused chaos to break loose but it was quickly calmed with a powerful silencing spell from Voldemort. Voldemort looked over at harry, checking to make sure he was still okay and functioning and to his surprised delight, harry had his mask off and was grinning almost manically. Voldemort grabbed Harry's hips and pulled him closer to his side. Challenging any who wished to speak I'll of him or harry.
"If any of you decide to try and hurt harry, you will have decided to hurt me, and if you hurt me, I will cut you to pieces until you are begging me to stop. And Bellatrix? You hurt harry and I will make your life pain beyond imagination. I will break you, and then, I will put you back together only for you to be broken one more, and I will not be the one doing it, you would enjoy that too much
." Everyone clearly, understood.
Voldemort called the meeting to an end and after the death eaters had all dispersed he looked at harry. He was still grinning and Voldemort divided to just dump some cold water over his head.
Harry spluttered in surprise at Voldemort's attack. Glaring he spun his head to look at Voldemort who was clearly amused with himself.
" As attractive as you are when your out of it, I need you sane for the time being. "
Voldemort said teasingly.
Harry stuck his tounge out at him.
"Ah, ah, ah, you should know what happens to defiant boys, defiant boys get punished." Voldemort said to harry, waiting for the boy to squirm at the words.
Of course that was exactly what harry did as he had not expected such suggestive words to be spoken by a man so ethereal.
He never did ask about how Voldemort changed his appearance but he had decided to just leave it be. Harry did not want to know the creepy details of whatever weird ritual the man did. Harry felt a wave of drowsiness hit him and then decided that it would be fun to experiment and see what Voldemort would do.

Voldemort looked back and saw that his harry had fallen asleep and so he decided to be nice and carry him back to his bed. He mad ethe trek through the shrieking shack and back through the forest doors and into Harry's room. He reached the bed and gently tucked harry in, admiring his calm face. He was so very happy to know that harry was his and only his.
Voldemort looked at harry once more and planted a soft kiss upon his Harry's lips before bidding his goodbyes for the night. Little did he know that harry was awake that whole time.

Hello! I am sorry I have been gone so long. I kinda forgot about this tbh. But I'm back!!! I hope all of the wonderful people reading this enjoyed and have a lovely night!


P.s, if you liked the story leave a kudos or maybe even a comment!
I always like the feedback! :)

Word count: 1363


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