pt 2. diagon alley

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I've always wondered why people felt the need to make themselves seem important, but maybe that's just how they are.


Soon after harry and his godfather's finished packing for their stay at Hogwarts, they left for diagon alley.
It was much different then harry had expected it to be. He had thought it would have more untamed magic roaming around, and that it would not look like a more refined muggle town square. He wondered if the rest or wizarding Britain was like this area, or if this was just special.
The first thing harry knew he would have to get for Hogwarts was a wand, he knew that Hogwarts could get anything he might need but his own personalized wand, besides it was a tradition to start with your wand, it shows you what supply's you would need the most throughout your schooling on wizardry.
"So cub, what type of wand do ya think you will match too?" Sirius asked.
"I don't know what type, but I know it will be a very dark and powerful wand" harry says while looking over a book about transfiguration.
"Oh lay off the books kiddo! Enjoy the time with your dear old godfather will ya!" Sirius teased.
"Love, it would do you well to not chastise the boy on reading, I quite like his appreciation of learning!" Remus criticized.
While Harry's godparents talked with each other he quietly slipped away to the wand shop down the alleyway, the stores name read, "Myra's witchy wands" harry did not think the name was very creative but her shop was much more accurate than Ollivanders. harry appreciated that, since he wanted the most honest wand ceremony he could get. As harry walked into the store he heard a airy voice call
"I will be up front in just a minute!"
As harry waited patiently he looked through the wand books, and then  suddenly a girl came running from the back with grease all over her face and crooked glasses. The girl was wearing a very well made overall dress and leggings, with some brown boots, she had long, wavy, black hair and big blue eyes.
She caught him off guard when she said
"hello harry! What can I do for ya?"

Harry took a sharp breath and said "how do you know my name?"
" Oh! I'm so Sorry! I have very strong legimency
But I don't really know how to control it, so sometimes I accidentally peek into people's minds subconsciously. Sorry if I concerned you..." 
This startled harry and he asked quickly " what all did you see!"
"Oh not much just your name and woh your here with!"
Harry sighed and said "very well, I am here to buy a wand but first I would like to have a proper wand ceremony." Harry said with a monotone voice.
" Okay! I'll get that started!" The girl said with a bounce in her voice. "It might take a while to get set up though so you might want to leave and then come back later to check up on if it's done or not..."
" Very good." Harry said approvingly and he gave the girl a calm smile as he left the store in search of his godfather's.

After tracking down his godfather's and getting over them trying to discipline him over leaving, harry decided to go to the creature shop to pick up a friend or 4 while waiting for his wand ritual to finish being prepared.
As he arrived at the front of the shop he felt the comforting wave of creature magic wash over him. He sighed as he made his way into the comforting haven. The shop was full of creatures, some in enclosures some roaming free. Plants, trees, rivers, and employees moved about the shop, as if knowing it's every crevice.
He had no idea how many creatures he would take home but for now he just wanted to coexist with the creatures in the shop.
As harry started walking around he noticed something large moving through the shadows of the roof, he did not mind until someone screamed to home to turn around. Naturally harry turned and was faced with the most beautiful black constrictor he had ever seen. Just out of habit he asked the snake * what's your name beautiful? *
The snakes replied and said * my name is fieran, would you like to become my new master? * The snake asked without wasting a moment.
* That would be lovely, but keep in mind I would not just stop meeting and buying companions just cause you might want me too. * Harry said without missing a beat.
* Yessss * the snake hissed in contentment. * So do we have an arrangement little human? *
* I think we do feirian * harry replied with happiness. ** Would you like to curl around my shoulders or shall I retrieve you when I take my leave? * Harry asked.
* No little human, I will ride along on you  * feirian said quietly while slithering onto harry.
* Very well, get comfy * harry said as he continued to browse. The next creature that approached him was a pair of kneazels. These were big, slender, cats with the color and ears of a bobcat. Kneazels we're considered very dangerous without proper handling and we're therefore in need of registration whenever they were claimed to be owned by someone. Harty watched as the kneazels followed him around the store, until he came up on a snowy owl, he decided to call her Hedwig. Hedwig jumped on his head and settled down on his hair. He assumed that meant she was not letting him leave with out her. Harry decided to buy the creatures but as he went to go pay he realized the kneazels we're still following with a sharp look in their eyes. Harry chose in the moment to buy the kneazels along with feirian and hedwig, so he told the shop owner to tack them onto his bill and to give him their registration sheets form the ministry. After checking out harry repositioned feirian around his torso with his head on harty right shoulder while Hedwig was perched on his left. The kneazels followed on his left and right, harry chose to name the darker of the 2 kneazels lunar and the lighter of the two moon. Lunar was a male kneazels and the brother to moon while moon was the younger sister of lunar.

Harry went to go to his wand ceremony and as he arrived he could already sense the power the wands in the shop we're emitting. As he went inside he was met with a very bright light and a girl popping in right next to him. Harry asked the girls name and she replied and said her name was Collette.
Collette had harry sit in the middle of the rune circle as she passed him wand after wand after wand. Soon she had only three wands left, harry immediately told her to get rid of one of them but the others were both emitting the same power so he asked her to hand him both boxes. As harry touched each of the wands he realized they were both equally compatible to his magic. Collette gasped at this revelation and told harry that it was very rare for 2 wands to recognize the same person as wands were normally very protective of the owners and would not share. The first wand was an ll inch holly wand with phoenix feather, and the second was a wand with black oak and three cores, the first was basilisk venom, the second was dementors cloak and the third was unicorn hair. This wand also has many beautiful engravings along with some tigers eye embedded into it. ( Tigers eye can be a very dangerous stone and is known for resilience and persistence. )

Harry decided to pay for both wands and leave. He did not want to be in this place anymore. He did however have a feeling he would see Collete again, maybe she would be at Hogwarts.


Harry met up with his godfather's again and they took him to get fitted for a new Hogwarts wardrobe. They went to Madam Malkin's Tailor Shop to get fitted and as harry entered he saw a large family of redheads, who he assumed were probably the Weasley family.
Madam Malkin noticed harry and called him over to be fitted. She asked him what you of clothes he was looking for and re replied by saying that he wanted to get some school Robes, night robes, a dress suit, a very fancy dress, and anything else she thought would look good on him, he assured her that money would not be a problem.  As he stepped up to get measured another boy stood up besides him. It was one of the redheads. Out of nowhere the Weasley started blathering on and on about how his whole family was in griffindor, and how it was the best house. He also talked about quidditch a bunch and would not shut up no matter how many disapproving glances were sent his way from others. Luckily harry dif not stay long and was able to leave with his godfather's  to go retrieve the rest of his school supply's. After retrieving everything they decided to head to Hogwarts to prepare for Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Harry would be starting his 5th year at Hogwarts and he did not know what to do about it.


Hiii!!! Hey. I don't really know If I should continue on the plot of harry being blind or whatever but I kinda wanna know what everybody else thinks about it.
If not then I will change the title and description and the new plot would follow the lines of harry joining slitherin and discovering himself, his true friends, and who he should truly trust. There will still be tomarry in the story because I practically live and breath it, but I wanna hear your guy's thought on this.

My idea was to continue a version of this story with Harry being a fae who is blind and lives in the outer realms. The evil overlord tom riddle would get gravely hurt and fall into the care of our one and only harry Potter this would probably be a part of a one shot series.

Also do you guys wanna hear more about  other points of view like Remus and sirius's? Or should I just keep it to Harry's POV?

Other than that thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoy.

Word count: 1773

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