Another Tom?

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I'm tired so I am not doing a quote. You all are short.
( In a cute way! Not tryna be mean! :-) )

Harry was startled and ended up jumping but that really just resulted in him rolling over on top of harry.
"Darling, if you wanted me that badly you should have just said so. Not that I don't appreciate the forwardness." Tom said with a suggestive look on his face.

" It's not like that! I was just surprised! That's all. Besides who even are you?" Harry asked with a bite.

"You wound me darling. Now I thought we already discussed that I was Tom? Or as you better know, lord Voldemort."
Tom told harry with a prideful look on his face.

Harry really wanted to wipe that smug look off the man's face.
" How could you be Voldemort? I know ye can switch between looking like Tom and looking like Voldemort, but I don't think he can revert his age." Harry said with a skeptical look.

"Oh, oh! Darling... You have never heard of a horcrux before? How cute." Tom told harry with a shit eating grin across his entire face.
"A horcrux is a type of dark magic used to split your soul, and it sometimes seals parts of yourself inside the object. That book you're clinging to ever so tightly is a horcrux. Did I tell you I can feel everything that the book feels?  And my... Your body is very warm darling." Tom looked at harry with a predatory look on his face, as if he wanted to eat harry.
Harry flushed and roughly pushed Tom off the bed.
With a groan Tom sat up and glared at harry.
"I was only speaking the truth darling, must you have pushed me?" Tom said pouting.
Harry looked at Tom and stuck his tounge out.
Tom got up and took the chance to look around Harry's large room.
"So, you enjoy reading? I like that."Tom told harry.
He walked back to the bed and laid back down.
"May I ask how many horcruxes
Voldemort made? He does seem like the type to stop at just one."
Harry told Tom curiously.
"I am pretty sure he has seven horcruxes. He has the diary, a locket,  a diadem, a Hufflepuff cup, his snake nagini, and two others." Tom said to harry.
"I see. I think I should collect them. To keep them safe from Dumbledore." Harry looked at Tom.
"That might've a good idea. I will help you. Dumbledore already has one, however, it is slowly killing him. It would be best to not tell Voldemort about this yet, he would try to stop you." Tom told harry.
"Can you tell me where the first one is?" Harry asked Tom.
"I can help. I don't know where they all are exactly, but I can feel them. One horcrux is in the room or requirements. I think it's the diadem. We should start with that first." Tom told him, grinning.
"Then where is the room of requirements?" Harry asked Tom with an inquisitive look.
"I could tell you, but harry? Don't you know everything comes with a price?" Tom looked at harry and then quickly rolled over, pinning harry against the bed and keeping his arms restrained.
Harry twisted and fought against Tom with a blush on his face.
"Tommmmm!" Harry whined.
"All I want darling? Is a kiss."
"Why should I?" Harry asked defiantly.
"Don't you want to kiss me? I am the prettiest person you will ever see am I not? Besides? Don't you want information?" Tom looked at harry cunningly.
Harry stopped struggling and looked at Tom shyly.
"Fine." Harry said.
"What was that?" Tom asked harry with a smirk.
"I said okay! Just kiss me you dense idiot!" Harry looked away from Tom.
Tom smiled and leaned down, pulling Harry's face close to his.
He pressed his lips against harry, groaning.
He slowly pried at Harry's lips, asking for entrance.
Harry complied and opened his mouth. Tom had let go of Harry's hands and so they slowly made their way up to toms shirt, grasping at the fabric. Harry pushed his body against toms as he deepened the kiss. Tom kissed harry with passion he felt around the inside of Harry's mouth, making lewd noises of approval.
He finally pulled away from harry, a single strand of saliva left.
Harry was breathing hard and rocking his body against toms.
Tom reached under harry and turned them over leaving harry straddling toms waist.
" I do think that was plenty compensation. I will draw you a map and some instruction to find the room of requirements." Tom said, practically purring as he rubbed his hands up and down Harry's thighs.
Harry let out a surprised noise at the gesture.
"Take good care of yourself my dear, I will be back." Tom said to harry. And with the the disappeared back into the diary, leaving a dumbfounded and angry harry.
Harry slowly realized what happened and was angry when he finally understood the ttom had left him alone to deal with his raging boner. He glared at the diary but suddenly he recalled what Tom had said earlier, about him feeling the pain indicted upon the diary, so hard ydid what tamy normal person did. He picked up the book, hugged it, and threw it as hard as he could against the wall.
He took out his rage on the book and then went to take care of himself in the bathroom.
He muttered to himself about stupid books and stupid boys.
After he finished tending to himself he brushed his hair, washed his face and went to go to his bed. When he reached his bed he noticed a map and some notes jotted down. Of course the very last lines on the note read,
"Thank you, for such a pleasurable night lovely."
Harry hated that pretty prick.
But oh did harry love him.
He just hoped Voldemort would take the news about his diary counterpart as good as he did.


Hiiii! I am so sorry I have not uploaded! I was at my father's house and things tend to be busier there. Thank you for your patience and time!!!
I love you all! Remember to take car of yourself! You deserve it.
Take it easy and drink some water. Everything will be alright.

Word count: 1080

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