The Diary

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Keep those you love close because you never know when you will need them the most.


Harry woke up to shouting from the other members of Slytherin. When he saw what the commotion was about he gasped. Remus and Sirius were standing in the common room shouting about how they needed to find him and talk to him. Harry was annoyed seeing this as he hated getting up early on weekends, so He grabbed the two uncles and dragged them to his room.
"It is too early to be getting woken up!" he whined to them as he opened the door to his room,
"Now do tell what you need from me?" Harry said as he fell back on to his bed.
"Harry-" Remus began.
"Harry! We are so sorry we did not tell you! We were worried that you would get overwhelmed with the burden of being a supposed savior! We never meant to hurt you!" Sirius looked at harry pleadingly, as if he were an animal begging a human for food.
"Remus, Sirius..." Harry started to say," I can't say I was not angry, but... I understand why you did it. I just wish I could have heard it from you two instead of the Slytherins and Dumbledore."
Remus gasped and looked at harry with a glare on his face.
" What did that old coot tell you harry?" He asked in an unusually harsh tone for how he usually acted near harry.
"Is there something wrong rem?" Harry questioned while using the nickname he usually had for his godfather.
" I will tell you in a minute Harry what we need to know is what Dumbledore told you." Remus said in a much calmer tone than before.
" He told me that my parents were heroes and that I was destined to follow in their footsteps of becoming a great hero. He told me that I was born to defeat Voldemort and that I was a blessing to the world, that I was made to protect people  he told me that if I had any extra questions I could ask him for help." Harry told his uncle's part of what Dumbledore had told him, however the had left the parts about Voldemort out since he was curious what his godfathers might say about him.
"Harry, you were not solely created to protect the wizarding world, I hope you know that. You are your own person. You deserve the world and more. Make your own destiny harry, don't become your parents, they were wonderful people but you are your own person, you do not need to be them, nor do you need to become them." Sirius told him while holding out his arms for a hug. Remus stood up while also opening his arms as an offer for a hug.
" Don't worry guys. Dumbledore seemed weird, I don't think I want to take what he said to heart." Harry told them while going towards them to welcome their embrace.
Harry hugged them tightly.
"Remy, padfoot, thank you. I am sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you, I just needed some time to process everything that had happened."
Harry told them nuzzling into their warm embrace.
" Pup, don't ever apologize for taking time to yourself to process life-changing information. That was a lot to be told the second you entered school." Remus said to harry, ruffling his hair.
Harry pulled back from the hug with a smile.
"Thanks you two." Harry said, grinning to himself, happy to have cleared things up with his godfathers.
"No problem cub." Sirius told him.

" Harry, I think we will take our leave as I still have paperwork to grade, I am glad we were able to talk to each other." Remus told him with a soft smile dressing his face. With that, the two dog men left the room.

Harry laid on his bed as lunar and moon laid on both his sides, purring as they finally got to cuddle with harry. Hedwig swooped down onto Harry's bed, a package wrapped beautifully attached to her ankle.
Harry grabbed the package and carefully freed her from it's bindings and then he went to fish around his drawer for the owl treats he had bought for her. When he found them he picked on out of the bag and offered it to her. She took the treat and then flew away to her perch to rest.
The kneazles settled down against harry once more as he delicately opened the package. Inside was a leather diary.
There was a note beside the diary.
The note read,
" Use this wisely darling, take a chance and write in it, you might find it useful in the near future."
Harry was mildly confused about the message until he remember that he only person that would call him darling, was Voldemort, or Tom in this case. Harry assumed Tom has used a ritual of some sort to give his the ability to switch between his Voldemort form, and his Tom form. Voldemort primarily stayed looking like Tom for the physical appeal of it but he also seemed to not mind his form as Voldemort.

Harry looked back at the diary and decided, " fuck it" he was going to open the damned book.

Harry opened the ebook and was surprised when all the pages were blank. He chose to follow what he was told to do and so he took a feather and ink and started writing.
"Hello strange book that I was told to write in. My name is harry, and I am a companion of the great lord Voldemort. Is there a reason that i was told to write here?"
What harry did not expect was for his words to disappear and then seconds later,  more words that he had not written to form.

" Why hello Dear harry. This "book" the you were told to write in actually has a name, or for better words, the soul inhabiting this book has a name. My name is Tom and I am a version of Voldemort himself. You say your a companion of his? Whatever did you do to earn that title?"

Harry began to write back.
" Holy fuck. I did not expect the book to respond. So, hello Tom.
( May I call you tom?)
I have no idea what I did to gain Voldemort's favor. All I know is that at the last death eater meeting, I was named his consort."
Harry had wrote nonchalantly.

" Well, I can understand why he likes you, your pretty cute. And yes I can see you. I am very surprised he made you his consort so fast. However you being his consort is not all that important to me, would you like to be able to see me, dear harry?
The Diary asked harry.

"It would be nice to see who I was writing too... So yes?"
Harry told the so called Tom .

"Very well. All I need is for you to put your hand on the book. When you see my hand, you must pull me out."
The Diary told him.

Harry was unsure but decided to follow what he was told to do, after all if it was Tom, even if he decided to disobey him Tom would still find a way out.
Harry put his hand up to the book,and as soon as he saw the supposed hand poking out of the book, he pulled.
In no time harry had pulled Tom out, but was startled to find himself face to face with a young Tom riddle, Slytherin uniform and all.
"Hello love." Tom said, smirking.

That's the end of this chapter. I plan to have Tom be there throughout the story, but there won't be any extreme juicy parts between his and harry, that pertane to the story. There will probably be an extra chapter about him and harry however.

See you all soon!!!

Word count: 1337

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