Back To School

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"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer"
-not made by me

Harry woke up early in the morning so he went to the bathroom to get dressed in the standard uniform. After he decided he looked good enough to be presented to the other Slytherins, who apparently hated him, he left his room. Feirian trailer close behind him while the kneazles resigned to staying in and sleeping. Hedwig was out in the forest exploring so harry knew he did not have to worry much about her. He held his arm out so that fierian could climb up and wring himself around Harry's torso.
As harry entered the common room he noticed that everyone had started whispering. Harry hated gossip and rumours, all they do is cause trouble, he knew that these kids around him were scared of feirian and that they thought he was a freak, but he wished they would just come out and say it instead of whispering about it the whole time.

Harry had gotten tired of listening to the backhanded comments people had been whispering back and forth so he went to go find the twins. He had thought since the beginning that the twins would be useful and he knew that now more then ever he could use their help. harry knew that the two Slytherin twins were most definitely not above pranking their own housemates. Harry's hope was that the prank would stop a good handful of the comments being said about him because as much as he could handle being called names and being stared at, he knew if he did not handle this now then the Slytherins will only get worse and worse and harry would most definitely not ask Dumbledore for help if it did. Harry still got irked when thinking about Dumbledore and how the man just assumed that he knew everything about Harry's parents and that he could force harry into the role of savior. Harry was interrupted from his thoughts when he was suddenly pinched on his sides from behind. He twisted around quickly, and was surprised and simultaneously relieved that it was the twins that grabbed him and no one else. Harry tried to ignore the fact that he made a very indecent sound when he had gotten startled but the twins had made it their goal to tease and belittle him about it.
" Who knew," George said ,
" That our precious golden boy," Fred continued,
"Could make such high pitched squeaks!" They said together.
"You almost sounded like a girl for a moment harry!" Fred said while trying his best not to laugh at Harry's puffed up red face. The twins could not contain their laughter anymore and they bursted out laughing, cackling even. Many students looked at them with curiosity and concern. Harry finally decided to just ignore the twins and look at his schedule. He looked and saw that the first class he had was DADA which immediately made his face flush because he knew exactly who was under the skin of Quirrel.
Harry glared at the twins who were still laughing and then he took off towards his class, the twins trailing not far behind.
Harry finally made it to class and was surprised to see that nobody was there yet. He looked around and saw that professor Quirrel was at the front of the class sitting in his desk while reading a book. Harry tried his best to sneak in quietly but alas, he was noticed.
..."what exactly brings you here potter?"

Harry could practically hear the purring mockery in the mans voice and he angrily said,
" I thought it was time for class, it seems I got here a bit to early. I apologize, I will return later at the proper time."

"Nonsense" Voldemort said, albeit through Quirrel mouth. " Do take a seat, you are one student that I don't quite mind having near me."

Harry knew that that was less of a request and more of an order, so begrudgingly he took a seat in the front row and began to unpack his back and begin his studying.
Before long harry could feel a piercing gaze following his every moment and harry shivered with anticipation. He felt like prey being stalked by a might beast.
Luckily harry was saved by the time because as soon as that gaze left him students began filing into the room.
Soon enough the lesson began.
During the class they went over the importance of wand movement and that if you were even slightly off you could backfire the whole spell. Quirrel made the student line up and practice Thier wand positioning and while they practiced Quirrel would pace around the room watching their every move like a hawk. As Quirrel passe harry he saw the blue eyes of his professor glow red and within an instance harry was pressed back against the professors chest while Quirrel moved his wand and arm to look steadier and more in form. When harrys wand positioning was finally proper enough for Quirrel he backed away after whispering praise into Harry's ear.
The rest of the class was pretty uneventful, however it was hilarious to watch how the professor scolded ron Weasley every move, the boy was a dunce who seemed to challenge everything he was told, which now that harry thought about it, mad sense. The boy was a griffindor after all.
The class seemed to end almost as soon as it began and soon enough the student were rushing to leave the classroom. Harry wa done of the last too leave but not before he saw squirrels red eyes gazing at him with a feral and almost predatory look.
Fred and George appeared almost immediately after harry had left the classroom, this was happening so often that they had begun to wonder if the twins were some sort of stalker. They did not seem the type but harry had decided they definitely had to be watched, they weren't suspicious, just unnaturally intelligent compared to most students in Hogwarts, and with their pension for trouble it was sonly a matter of time before smoothing disastrous happened, and harry had yet to reason out wether or not that would be good or bad. Harry once more attempted to outrun the twins but it was to no avail and after a valiant attempt at a getaway they managed to grab him and lift him over their shoulders to drag him away to herbology, a class that they had unfortunately shared together.

Thank you so much for reading!

Word count: 1107

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