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Harry pulled out the diary, hoping that Tom would be behaving better than he had the last time harry had met him. Harry had thought his hopes would all be for not, and he was annoyed to see that he was correct.
The second harry let Tom out of the book he was pushed down against the bed and pinned.

"Darling...?" Tom looked at harry with a predatory look on his face.

"Hi...Tom." harry was flushed and he glanced away in defiance.
He was taken by surprise as Tom roughly kissed him, forcing his tongue into harrys mouth and passionately making out with him. The kiss felt as if it was a punishment to harry, but that just made it all the more exciting
For him. Harry shakily raised his hand to push Tom away from him.
"T-tom. Stop." Harry breathed out.
Tom grumpily pulled back, he did not want to stop, but he did not want to make his little speaker any more afraid of him than he already was. Tom liked calling harry a little speaker. HIS little speaker. Tom knew harry could talk to snakes like he himself could, and he was also aware that Voldemort did not know of Harry's abilitys.
"...I don't mind you kissing me but..." Harry began, and then he looked away.

"But what darling? You need to talk to me." Tom told harry.

"But please ask first..." Harr glanced up at Tom fearfully.
"Of course. I got too excited. You are quite the beautiful specimen you know." Tom smirked at him suggestively.
Harry flushed. "Would you like to maybe...keep going?" Harry said that last part quietly.
"What was that?" Tom asked him.
Harry repeated himself but tom asked him to clarify once more. Harry was in the middle of speaking when he felt lips crash upon his own.
"Mmh!" Harry exclaimed in surprise. He quickly melted into the kiss. Harry felt a tongue pry at his lips. He opened his mouth as their tongues battled, harry soon giving up.
Harry jumped when he felt a hand crawl up his shirt and pinch his nipple. He bit down on the younger in his mouth and Tom pulled back sharply.
"Shit harry. You have some spirit in you clearly." Tom grimaced. "It's hot" Tom smirked at harry and pushed him further against the bed and let his hands explode Harry's chest once more.
He pinched Harry's nipples simultaneously and was delighted when he got a loud cry of surprise from harry. Harry grabbed toms head and wrung his fingers through toms hair. He had never known that he could be this sensitive.
Toms lifted Harry's shirt above his head and suddenly wrapped his lips against Harrys left nipple, taking great pleasure in the way harry keened and arched his back into the feeling.
Harry hands shot up to toms shoulders and he began to frantically pull off toms shirt.
Tom had seen Harry's struggle and so he backed up and pulled off his shirt. He looked over at harry who was a flushed mess. His mouth was gaping.
"Like what you see darling?" Tom teased harry. Harry looked confused for a moment but then frantically nodded as he looked at Toms body once more.
Tom leaned down to take Harry's pants off. He looked up at harry for permission and was glad to see harry nod. Tom sensually slid Harry's pants down and caressed harry thighs. Harry shuddered and went to cover up.
"Don't hid from me darling. Your beautiful, though no underwear? Really? You really are a naughty boy." Tom htowled softly ashe looked at the length before him. Tom stripped down out of his clothes and began to turn harry over when he was stopped by a hand.
"Is something wrong angel?" Tom asked.
"T-tom... I'm not ready...please...
I still really really want you but...I am not ready for the real thing." Harry looked at Tom guiltily.
"Oh darling. That's okay." Tom flipped harry back on his back again.
"We can do something else." Tom grabbed hold of Harry's dick and began stroking it.
"Does that feel good love?' Tom asked harry. Harry nodded in approval.
"Tom moved his dick so that he could begin stroking him and harry together at the same time. Harry wanted to help tom so he warped his hands around them and began mimicking toms motions. Tom took this chance to play with harry nipples once more. Harry cried out and arched his back. With just a few more stroked harry came. Tom was still hard however and harry decided to keep stroking till Tom came undone. It mad harry excited to imaging Toms eyes rolling back and squeezing shut as his body tensed from release.
He stroked Tom for another minute and was delighted to see Tom give almost the exact reaction jarr yhad imagined from him. Tom teased and grabbed onto harry, his eyes squeezing shut as he released with a glorifying pleasure.
When Tom finished cumming he rolled over rand began cuddling harry.
"That was so fun my love. I cant wait to go further. With your permission of course." Tom purred and stroked Harry's back.

Harry had a wave of fear wash over him as he thought about Voldemort. He wondered what Voldemort would have to say about this, and with how he usually acts, harry would not be surprised if his reaction was less than pleasant.
Harry resigned to roll g over and attempting to fall asleep in the warmth of Tom's arm as Tom stroked his hair in a almost conforming manor.
Harry curled up and quickly fell asleep.
Tom was less than surprised when he heard a click and then a shutter sound. He saw the twins take a photo of him and harry cuddling. Tom gave them a glare but all he got in return were two identical and cheeky grins.
"Is never going-"
"To believe this-"
"Without proof."
The twins finished the sentence together. They handed the photo to Tom.
George looked at Tom and smiled.
"Make sure to tell harrykins all about how he acted. It would be so fun to see him embarrassed.!"
George said as fred giggled behind him. They quickly ran out the door and left harry and Tom to their cuddling. Tom decided to put the photo on the nightstand and sleep next to harry. He relished the warmth. Tom slowly slipped into sleep, not knowing the pure rage of emotions coming from a certain dark lord many miles away.

Hey! Sorry your not updating. I can't promise I will leave a great schedule but I will do what I can. Many of you voted for harryxtom smut so here it is. I planned for more plot probably know how it goes.
Remember to follow and go check out my other story, ProjectMio! It only has one chapter but I am very excited for be writing it. It's my own original story!
Remember to leave kudos and follow!
Take care of yourself! You deserve it!
Word count:1196

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