pt. 6 A Dark Lord And A Old Man

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What's the difference between good and evil, what happens when you just use what your were born with? Then is it good? Is it evil? Or is it just the hand you were given in life?

That morning harry woke up, he slept deeply from the stress of las tonight's events. Harry had no idea how he could pace professor quirrel again, without fantasizing about the man possessing him. He kept telling himself that it was freakish to feel the way he did about a murderer who had killed his parents, but his body always thought otherwise. Harry decided to take a hot shower in hope that it would help. It did not. Then out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door.
Harry knew he did not have time to change out of his black crop top and shorts, but he tried to look at least a little decent, besides he had to hide the mark. Harry resigned to wrap a towel around his torso and awnser the knocking, though every step hurt, the hot shower did nothing to help him and now th embark he was given was inflamed to hell. Harry hobbled to the door and politely asked who it was, the person just continued to knock. Harry got annoyed with this and opened the door suddenly and quickly, his face morphed from expression to expression as he realized who was at the door, as harry went through the emotions he was feeling, the man invited himself in. The man then dragged harry to his bed, where he was sat down and forced out of his daze.
All of the sudden he heard a sharp voice saying his name. Harry fully succumbed to reality and answered the man, who had begun to force his way out of quirels body. The eman who had knocked on Harry's door, just had to be lord Voldemort. Harry asked what Voldemort could possibly want this early in the morning and he replied,
" I want to check your mark. Sometimes they don't heal right, normally I would not care but you are a valuable asset to me." Voldemort said calmly, letting harry regain his bearings. As harrys mouth finally let him speak he started speaking fast, going from question to question, word to word. Voldemort took to stopping harry and he asked him,
" Have you felt any pain over your new mark?"
Harry lied. He told Voldemort it did not hurt, he did not want to have to be taken care of by the man who had been the root of all his problems this morning.
Voldemort must of assumed harry would lie, and so instead of just taking what harry said and trusting him, he grabbed Harry's thigh, and squeezed. That got an immediate reaction out of harry. Harry shuddered as tears tried to force their way through his eyes.
"Yes, you are very much fine, I can tell you have never been better. " Voldemort said dryly.
Harry looked up and glared at the man before him when suddenly Voldemort reached for his scar. As Voldemort's fingers made contact with Harry's skin, harry collapsed into Voldemort's lap of the bed. As harry struggled to catch his breath from the overwhelming pleasure of the touch he moved about in Voldemort's lap trying to steady himself.
" Potter I would kindly suggest you stop moving. " Voldemort ordered sharply.
Confused harry looked down and realized the effect he had had on the bigger man. Voldemort moved harry to a more comfortable position on his lap and then pulled up Harry's shorts some more, when he saw the tattoo he gasped. The mark was a furious red and it looked bad. Voldemort immediately started trying to heal it. As he continued to use magic to heal Harry's wound he ordered Quirrel to make a quick regeneration potion, as to help harry heal safer. After harry was healed Voldemort shook him awake to discuss what he came here for. The plans.
Voldemort explained to harry that what he wanted was good information on Hogwarts herself, the headmaster, and the kids around him. He wanted to be made aware of any suspicious activity that might signal that he needed to leave.
Harry agreed to the terms quickly, he.asked to be put back to bed and so Voldemort cast a charm to hide the mark, and make Harry's bed warmer, he then devised a plan to tell the headmaster and teachers. The plan was to tell them that one Slytherin had come to him to inform him that harry had been sick, harry had not been exposed to the germs that all other kids had and therefore had contracted some of them faster. Harry would feel better, and his fever would go down in about a day or two. Voldemort finished tucking harry back into bed and then forced himself back into quirrels body. He then left the potions on Harry's night stand with a note. " Drink this when you wake up to relieve pain and to heal the wound faster. -quirrel ". It did not sound suspicious and it backed up his story. Voldemort then kissed Harry's head and bid his goodbye, leaving harry to sleep through his illness and hopefully feel better. The sooner harry can start working, the better.
News of Harry's illness spread fast, as many were worried about their so called savior, little did they know he had made a deal with the devil. Dumbledore was the most worried. What would he do if his pawn died? There would be little hope for winning the war, this led Dumbledore to climbing down the stairs to the Slytherin common room, and entering Harry's room. When Dumbledore opened the door he gasped. There were plants and light and hundreds of books all around the room, there was also a large set of doors on one side of the room. As he walked across the room to the bed in which he assumed harry was in, he looked astonished at the boy. He was running a really high fever and practically sweating the water out of himself. Dumbledore went to cast some speels upon the boy when he noticed the potion beside the bed. He picked it up and read the note, he discovered that professor quirrel had been called to help with the incident and had already given harry the doses in which he needed. Dumbledore was frustrated so instead he set to waking the boy up.
Harry shuffled around and slowly blinked his eyes awake.
" Professor Dumbledore?" Harry asked groggily.
"Yes it is me harry my boy"Dumbledore replied, happy he could wake the boy up.
"Why are you here?" Harry had asked him.
"Well my boy-" Dumbledore had started but was quickly cut off.
"Sir, I would feel most comfortable if you did not keep calling your boy. I am not your boy and I will never be. Please continue." Harry said curtly.
Dumbledore was surprised at the boys attitude towards him. He had saved the boy's life! He deserved a little respect at least.
" Well Mr. potter, I have come to check up on you, I heard of your sickness and wanted to make sure you were okay." Dumbledore said with that damned twinkle in his eye.
"If that is all you came for sir, then I will tell you that I am just fine. You may leave if that is all." Harry said annoyed. He was frustrated that he was awakened just because some old man wanted to know how he felt.
"No, I am afraid that that is not all my- I mean harry."
"Then please hurry sir. I would like to sleep some more." Harry sighed.
Dumbledore feined understanding. Shouldn't the boy be excited to hear something from him? " I would like to tell you of your past."
Harry breathed loudly. Annoyed that the world man thought harry did not know anything of himself.
"Fine. Make it quick sir. Though I would argue that ti know my past bette than you  do." Harry said sharply. He took joy in watching Dumbledore's eye twitch at the disrespect towards him. He hoped that he might be able to make Dumbledore have a permanent tick by the end of the year.
Harry sat back and zoned out as he drowned out the voice of the old man's rambling. Finally the story came to an end and Dumbledore looked at harry expectantly. Harry knew he was expected to fell sad, so of course he forced himself to cry. Dumbledore seemed happy with that reaction. He reached in for a hug but harry jerked away quickly. "Get away from me. Don't touch me." Harry glared, he did not like his space being invaded.
Dumbledore feined understanding once more. Harry internally sighed, knowing he would have to get used to this. He was only slightly angry that this school year had seemed to to wrong in every way and it was only day three. He politely asked Dumbledore to leave, and finally he complied. Dumbledore got up and walked to the door. Before leaving though, he said " remember, don't ever trust Voldemort, he will kill you." Harry nodded. When Dumbledore left harry laughed. He laughed hard and loud. Oh if the old man could know what he had been up too lately. He would pay anything to see the.look on Dumbledore's face when he saw the special mark that harry had. Harry knew it meant something, he did not know what though, he only knew that it was important and only he beared the mark. Harry finally stopped laughing to catch his breath. He knew he was going to have to tell Voldemort about this, and he could not wait.


Hey everyone! It's Atticus, sorry it's a little shorter, but I managed to get this out. Enjoy!

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