Meeting The Gang

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Remember that if you don't fit in, you're not alone, if you don't fit in then it is a likely possibility that everyone else around you also feels they don't fit in. Think about that for a moment and wonder if that means nobody fits in, or that we all don't fit in together.

- Atticus

__* Tw: derogatory language  _________________________________________

After harry finished with the classes, the twins had wasted no time dragging him away to their dorm room to talk about all the amazing things they did while harry was sick. One thing that caught Harry's attention was that they seemed to have a knack for pranks, most of which seemed harmless for now. The twins also mentioned that they had an interesting encounter with the one and only Blaise Zabini who apparently came from a powerful aristocrat family, despite him mother acting like a common whore.
Harry was intrigued by how they described Blaise Zabini. The twins talked wonders about him, they talked about how he appeared to be mean and prickly but was actually quite a kind man, albeit a smooth talking prick. The twins said he was very charismatic and very good to be around when you just wanted quiet. Apparently Blaise was very good at matching other people's energy, which could become a very useful skill for him later on if he stood up to his aristocratic heritage.
Harry startled to grow tired of the twins prattling about Blaise especially after he had noticed that they had started focusing their conversation more between them, then with harry.
Deciding that he was of no use to them anymore harry walked off to the front of Slytherin common room and out through the front, where he chose to just wander aimlessly through the halls. Harry walked through hallway after hallway and staircase after staircase but of course he was bound to run into company during his walk sometime, he was lucky that it was another Slytherin, and not some angry griffindor trying to pick fun at him. The girl before him had a nice bob cut and a put together outfit that made her look fit to be a model. She looked at harry and upon seeing his Slytherin tie, she approached him and stuck out her hand in a posh manor.
Harry took her hand lightly and shook it, and before releasing it, gave it a kiss.
"Ooh! What manors!"
The girl did a fake fall while pretending to swoon at the polite gesture.
"Just trying to be polite Parkinson" harry snarked back at her.
" Now harry dear, did anyone ever teach you how to pick up a brush? Your hair is but a rats den! How do you know something's not living there?" The Parkinson girl said dramatically. She then proceeded to drag harry back to her room where all her dorm mates looked at her, annoying yed that she brought a boy in, that was of course until she told them that harry was due for a makeover. ( Keep in mind, harry did not want a "makeover" especially from a girl like Parkinson.)
"H-hey? Why don't we talk about this girls? I am sure we can come to a nice agreement!" Harry yelped trying to escape, but the firm hands of the girls would not let him go until they got their way, so of course he finally gave into their pleas.
Harry was even more terrified when Parkinson seemingly left to call some of her friends.
When she came back it was with two boys, one he assumed to be the ever famous Blaise, and the other a blonde who he was unfamiliar with. Harry looked at them with pleading eyes.
"Save me!"
He whispered as the girls turned away to start their preparations.
Draco and Blaise looked at each other and then they looked at harry slowly they gave him a look of helplessness, shook their heads, and shrugged their shoulders, sealing harry fate.
What scared harry the most was not what the girls were going to do to him, but what they wanted to do, or more accurately, what they COULD do.
He was terrified as the girls started putting a plethora of different hair products and potions on his hair and while they put different products on his face. The process went like this; product, rest, remove brush. They repeated this process until his hair was like silk. Harry did not feel like himself at the time, his hair was fluffy, his face shiny, and his eyelids sparkly. He looked over at the two boys who had watched the entire process with a strange look of depressed was all the two could do to not laugh, they would not want to get noticed by the girls. Though slowly, little by little, the girls began to disperse and soon it was down to just two, Astoria green grass, and Pansy Parkinson. With only the two girls left in the room the boys finally stood up and walked towards harry, harry looked at them and glared.
" Zabini, right?" Harry asked gruffly.
"Bingo!" Zabini said shooting finger guns a harry. "But you can call me Blaise!"

"I have heard quite the story's about you form the twins." Harry said, nodding to the boy before him. He looked at the blonde guy and said, " and you are?"

" Draco. Draco Malfoy. Pure blood Slytherin, and heir to the Malfoy family."

Draco stuck his hand out for harry to take. Harry looked from the hand to draco then to the hand again, finally deciding to take it, he gave it a brief shake before releasing the other boys hand.
Pansy startled harry, coming right up behind him, grabbing his shoulders, and whispering, "and I am Pansy, Pansy Parkinson." Harry yelped before falling forward into the two boys in front of him. He stumbled to the side and yelled.
"You can't just startle me like that!" Harry glared at Astoria who was laughing behind Pansy.
"Shut it green grass!" Harry said embarrassed, a blush rising on his cheeks. He huffed and glared at everyone before storminh out of the room in frustration and embarrassment. He managed to make it back to his common room, and despite those Slytherins being annoying, they would be a good asset to him. He decided that it would be in his favor to keep the four of them around, especially since their family's held quite the amazing amount of political power altogether. He chose to head down to dinner and after that he planned to come up to his room and crash with fierian and his Lunar moon twins.

Finally got a little motivation to do this. It currently be 2 54 though...
Anyways! Have a wonderful evening, take care of yourself and just remember, take a deep breath, everything will be okay in the end. 

Word count: 1149

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