Jealous Tom?

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Harry paced nervously. He was supposed to go on a date. With a man. I have to deal with little tom, but I'm almost scared to think of how big tom would react. I mean, would he...hurt me? Or Lucas?
I can't have him hurting anyone yet. It really wouldn't do well for his or my plans. At all. And I also had to figure out who was behind that picture of me and tom.

The only person I could think of was Dumbledore, but I knew I couldn't be too...short minded about this. It was a serious situation. And...I probably needed to talk to big tom about this.

I sighed. This was difficult. I didn't like difficult. I resigned to talking to the toms. And accepting punishment. Obviously, they wouldn't let me escape unscathed. Hell, they might tag team for all I know.
I tapped into me and big tons connection, and then I hear this voice.

'hello, pet. It's been a while since you've...called me like this. To what do I owe such a pleasure?' his voice crooned, almost teasing.
'I...may have made a teensy tiny mistake.' I couldn't comprehend how he felt about that and it put me on edge.

"Do tell." I felt a shiver run through me at the demand.
"Well, sir...I may have been playing truth or dare last night with the Slytherin's...and I may have gotten dated to go on a date with Lucas Hawthorne, a prefect...I'm sorry! Tom, I promise that I didn't mean for it to happen." I almost was pleading to him.

"Come. Now. I'm expecting you."
And then the link was gonna, that tingly sensation was gone.
I rushed to get to tom. The more late I was the more trouble I would be in, and while the idea of punishment sounds great, it's not really ideal right now.

I quickly got to the womping willow to meet Tom. I knew where he wanted me instinctively. When I got there I was thrown into the end with a wave of magic.

"Pet? You understand the consequences of this?" He asked me. I just nodded.
"Words. I want words."

"Yes sir. I understand." I grinned up at him. "I do promise it wasn't my intention, though....if it gets you this worked up..." I figured flirting would be my best bet.

"Don't play coy. Little tom won't like this either. You. Are. Mine."  He growled.

"I know. I promise I know. I swear on my magic." I held up my wand as a sign of proof.
He huffed.
"If you don't believe me, then why don't you make of claim? Show people I'm yours.". I pulled down my collar. I could see Tom practically salivating, I knew he had been restraining himself.
"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"I wouldn't have offered myself If I wasn't sir." That was all it took. My arms were above my head and he was sucking at my neck like a babe to its mother's tits. Like a starved animal.
I felt myself jerk as he bit down.

"Oh fuck...Tom..." I groaned and slid my fingers through his hair. He pulled back, panting.

"You look so good like that. With my marks on you..."  I felt his hand slip under the hem of my shirt.


"I can't go further darling, I won't. I'm not fucking you for the first time in a shabby underground cabin. This mark will have to do." I whined.

"But...Tom..." My pants were tight. "How the hell am I supposed to walk back to my room like this?"

"That's your problem, love." He kissed me softly.

"I am so gonna let little tom fuck me before you, just because of that." I pulled myself up and adjusted my shirt so that it covered my obvious erection.

"I am so going to put him back in that book for good if you keep talking like that."

"I am so gonna give that book to Dumbledore if you do that." I glared at him.

"Don't go there darling." He growled.

"Try and stop me. I dare you."

"I saw where dares got you love, I'm not playing such a wicked game." He sniffed.

"Oh shut up." I suddenly remembered the photo.
"Tom. I have something else to tell you, actually. Someone has a picture of me and little tom...cuddling in bed together. They left a copy in my room. We need to figure out who did it. Quickly." I sighed.

"So you cuddled with little tom first and not me?" I couldn't believe it.

"That's what you're worried about? Really?" I looked at him disappointedly. "Did you not see any issues with that?" I growled.

"Yeah, the fact that you cuddled up to little tom before me. That's an issue." He was pouting. The dark Lord himself was pouting before me. I almost couldn't believe it.

"I can't believe you. I could be in danger right now, and you're worried about little tom."
I scoffed.

"My heart is in danger!" He mocked and fell down onto the bed.

"I can't stand you. I swear. I'm in danger and you just...forget it. I'll just talk to little tom about it."
I smiled.

"No!" I knew that would get him. Of course it would. Acting like a jealous dick. It was almost cute.

"Now you're interested?"

"Tell me everything."

Bro. Bro bro bro. This story is at 21 thousand read. Wtf. I didn't even mean for this to blow up like that. Wow. Also, go check out my other stories, "elderbroake:time of the clans"
And "•Obsession Gone Bad•"

OGB's chapters will be updating this week. I will be continuing book two of the elderbroake series in a few weeks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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