pt. 3 Hogwarts

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Must people be so cruel, so deceitful, and must they put others through so much trickery? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, everyone will either do what it takes to get what they want, or fail trying.


Remus went to start preparing his classroom, which meant harry was left all alone, since Sirius went with to help him. Now, harry did not know what to do, should he explore, set up his room, or go to the great hall? Harry chose the first two, as he could always go to the great hall later. He started with his room, he already knew he was going to be sorted into Slytherin, so he went to the dungeons and prepared. As he got to his room he immediately put enlarging charms around his room to expand its width and height, with a now much bigger room, harry set to decorate it with plants, hammocks, and fairy lights.  he put a giant bed against the back wall, he had curtains surrounding it along with plants framing the top as well, to add on to this he had large bookshelves filled with many different types of books, little beds for his companions lunar and moon, branches for feirian to lay upon, and a nest for Hedwig. After he  finished his room, he set out to explore Hogwarts, as was his second goal.

Harry started by searching the halls, he knew there was no need to really worry about being caught as there was only the teachers at school right now. As harry walked the halls, he noticed the luster in which everything carried with it, it was almost too bright. Harry inferred that there was magic to keep Hogwarts this clean, which gave him a perfect scope of how to cause a mess.
Harry noticed all the painting around Hogwarts, they all moved about from place to place, painting to painting. They mostly followed harry, probably to make sure he did not cause too much trouble before school even started.

Harry started walking faster, as he made his way to the staircase's he managed to catch one going just the way he wanted to go. Harry got off on the 2nd floor and started to make his way through it. On his journey, he found a large door, because he is a curious bastard, he decided to do what any obviously sane person would do, and go inside. As he crept towards the door he heard a soft whine from inside the room. He entered and what he saw made him rage inside. A Cerberus, just a pup forced to guard something, in terrible homing conditions!

The area was so small the Cerberus could barely fit any of it's heads comfortably. Harry went up to it, the Cerberus noticed him and growled a low growl, harry challenged back with an imitated growl, the Cerberus perked its ears and started sniffing harry, less than a few seconds later the Cerberus was wagging its tail and slobbering all over harry. Harry decided he was going to take the Cerberus away from this place, and cast a shrinking charm on the Cerberus, so that he was pocket sized. The Cerberus panicked as it got smaller, and when it was fully shrunk, harry picked it up and started petting it, trying to calm its fears.
It worked enough for harry to put him in his bag. Cerbie, is what he decided to call the Cerberus. Harry charmed the room to seem as if s Cerberus was there, and then harry left. Harry went back to his room, charmed it to simulate a doorway to a version of the dark forest, so that cerbie could run free and still return to harry as he wanted. Harry charmed cerbie back to his original size and led him to the forest, cerbie caught on and realized he was saved and able to come back to his savior. Cerbie licked Harry's hand and ran out to the forest.

Harry left to continue his search of Hogwarts, so far it has been... Enlightening, to say the least. If he was correct he could say he had already learneduch about Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster.
As harry walked the halls some more he came across a professor, professor quirrel.
"W-w-what are y-you d-d-doing here a-already student?" Quirrel asked.
"Taking a stroll, what about you professor?" Harry countered.
"S-searching t-t-the p-premises" Quirrel stuttered out.
"I d-d-dont t-think y-y-you s-s-should be h-here." Quirrel said.
" Actually I should, you see, my godfather is the DADA teacher here. Harry told him.
"A-actually I a-a-am the D-DADA teacher h-h-here."  Quirrel said sharply.
"Hmm. I see. Then I guess Remus must be the assistant teacher then." Harry inquired.
"I s-s-see y-your n-n-not l-lying" Quirrel said.
"No sir I am not." Harry replied curtly.
"V-very w-well, y-y-you may g-g-go s-student" Quirrel dismissed harry, but before he went he heard the boy say something surprising.
"Also sir, either drop the fake stutter or fake it better, not everyone will believe it. I know I sure did not." Harry said.
Quirrel inhaled sharply.
"Whatever you say child" quirrel spat, angry he has been discovered so fast. It was safe to say Quirrel left fast after that interaction.
Harry decided to return to his room and relax a while, especially since he could see the students start to swarm the doorways. Harry entered his room and sat down on his bed. He pulled a book from behind him and started reading.
Later that night remmy came to get him, saying that the students were almost done putting together their rooms and we're heading down to the great hall.
Harry brought his book as he walked towards the entrance of the big doors leading to the great hall, harry sat down at Slytherin table and started reading.
Professor Snape however ruined his quiet reading, and came up demanding that he tell him why he was at his table.
Harry just ignored him, waiting for the rest of the students to pour in.

As the flow of students slowed food was magically placed on the table, and Dumbledore announced the beginning of Hogwarts for all the first years, as he finished he concluded his speech with what most thought was the best part of the ceremony.
Professor McGonagall brought the sorting hat and stool out, placed the hat upon the stool, and Dumbledore announced, "now let the sorting ceremony, begin!"

Hi. This is Atticus, comment any suggestions ig. It's currently like 3:40 right now. 🥲
Am tired.
But I'm working hard. Working hard to please you all.
Thanks for reading, leaving kudos, etc.
That's all. Love y'all. Bye.

Word count:1116

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