Chapter 16: Walking to destination

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Zoë's P.O.V

I crossed my arms from shivering as me and Miriam followed the white board which was in front of us. We might have passed a few people that looked at us pretty shocked to see a white board floating in the air.  We have been walking for what seems like hours when really it's probably been 10 minutes.

Gosh my feet hurt so bad. The area we were in wasn't even safe. The ground had huge hard round rocks which made my feet hurt even more and the lights were twitching on and off. The place looked abandoned and super creepy.

Miriam:"Are we almost there yet?"

She asked. The expo pen started to write on the white board.

'We should be there soon.' 

We both groaned as Miriam decided to take a seat on the floor.

Miriam: "Shouldn't we at least call the police? I mean, it's just two girls and a ghost. I'm pretty sure Johnny would be able to fight us all in 2 minutes."

I was about to speak when we both see our leader writing on the board.

'No, he will be expecting that.'

Miriam:"Well what do you want us to do? We're girls not fighting machines."

As much as I wanted to be on his side, Miriam was right. We can't fight for anything. As soon as we get there, we would probably be tied up in a rope or worse.

'you two will get Yasmin. I'll handle Johnny. We don't have all night.'

Miriam groaned as she slowly got up and walked like a zombie until I grabbed her arm and started speed walking.

We were in complete silence, all we heard were crickets chirping and wolves howling. Like I said, this place is creepy and probably not the safest.

Gerard's P.O.V

I followed my friend Ismael since he knew where they were. I don't know what I would do without him, he helps a lot. This place looked very familiar but I can't quite put my finger around it. We were now entering the dark woods. To be honest, sometimes I'm kind of glad to be a ghost so that I can't get seen or hurt but I do feel bad since these girls can get hurt easily. Maybe it is a good idea to call the police....

"Ahh!" I heard Miriam scream. She shocked everyone, we turned around to see what was going on when there was nothing. I start writing a message on the board. 'What's going on?'

Miriam: "There was a rattle snake ready to pounce on me!"

Zoe: "Wow."

Miriam: "Hey, rattle snakes are dangerous!"

Zoe: "Sure they are."

We continued walking and before we knew it, we were in front of a dark cave. The girls went through me not realizing that we had stopped and sneezed from the coldness.

Zoe: "why did we stop?"

she asks, not realizing the cave. Miriam stayed silent and continued staring at the cave. Why would he bring her here?

Miriam: "I am not going in there."

Zoe: "why not?"

Miriam: "There could be a killer bear! And if you haven't noticed, we're just two short girls who know nothing about fighting and don't even have any weapons except for our phones and I am not risking my phone's life!"

Zoe: "Fine, stay here...all alone...with rattle snakes just waiting for you to be alone...with no help...and the dark insects surround you just waiting to eat you alive and-"

Miriam: "Fine! I'll go."

We walk inside the cave and it was pure darkness. The girls took out their phones for light but as for me, a ghost can see anywhere, even through darkness. The cave was pretty deep and a little bit suffocating. We all see a light at the end of the cave and we realize that it was another exit. we speed walk quicker and before we knew it, we were out.

We had to get passed a few bushes and trees and we stopped walking. We were in front of a creepy old cabin.

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