Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau x Autistic Nonverbal Daughter reader

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Summary: Will is busy with Henry and Micheal so JJ brings in their 5 year old daughter to work, the little girl meets Hotch and instantly latches onto him which shocks everyone.

Yes another Autistic reader because I need this right now.

Third person pov...

JJ kisses her husband and sons as she gets ready to leave for the day. The blonde haired woman smiled at her boys. "I'll see you later okay?" She says getting a giggle from baby Micheal, a okay 'mama' from Henry and a smile from Will.

She smiles lovingly at her boys before looking around for her only daughter Y/N, the 5 year old was around somewhere, either playing with toys or watching her favourite show over and over again.

"Y/N!" She yells before remembering the little girl wouldn't respond to her name, Will looks at his wife. "I'll go find her" he says handing Michael to JJ before going off to find their Daughter.

It takes a few minutes to find the little girl before Will finds her in her favourite room in the house her room, the little girl had all her special Interests in her room, it was vastly decorated and made for the little girl.

Her room is where she feels most comfortable, Will watches from the doorway as his only daughter happily rocks back and forth while watching her favourite show. The man then casually sits next to her keep a bit of space between them and not touching her.

Him and JJ learnt early on that their daughter didn't like physical touch unless she wants it, they don't push it on her, they also Learnt that she could profile someone when she first meets them like she can tell if they are a good person or not, another thing that she is Nonverbal.

This means that some children who are Autistc choose not to speak, This doesn't mean that they can't or don't have a desire to communicate though. So little Y/N speaks with movements, writing things down or sign language.

Will taps on the carpet and gains the attention of his 5 year old, the girl looks up at him never meeting his eyes but she is listening to him. "It's time to go, Mama wants you" he says to her, the little girl smiles at him and stands up, he watches as she grabs one of her sensory toys.

The 5 year old H/C child then grabs her Dads hand and begins walking with him to the front door where JJ and her brothers were standing waiting fir her to show up, Michael starts giggling when he sees her, Henry jumps around excited and JJ watches with a smile as her daughter is holding her Husbands hand willingly.

"Ready to go sweetie" she says to her daughter, the little girl smiles at her mum and let's go of her dad hand. JJ and her wave bye before leaving and getting in the car, JJ helps her buckle in before handing the little girl her sensory toy ans little lunchbox woth her usual lunch in.

JJ then starts the car, the two were soon on their way to The BAU headquarters, Y/N was coming to JJs work because she couldn't leave her Husband alone with all three children it wasn't fair and she knew Y/N would enjoy going to JJs work place.

When they arrive JJ opens the door to Y/Ns side, she let her daughter choose I she wanted to be carried in or wall on her own. Surprisingly the little girl reached out for JJ, this made the blonde woman smile and excitedly pick up her daughter. "Ready?" She asks the 5 year old little Y/N grins at her and nods her head.

The two make their way into the building and quickly into the lift, JJ picked the BAU floor. "Now I have your headphones with me, and your sensory toys, if it gets to much come find me okay Honey" Says JJ to her daughter, the 5 year old looks up at her and signs 'yes mama'

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