David Rossi x Deaf Daughter reader

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Summary: Rossi has to take his daughter to his work, but the team start tlaking to ber but of course she deaf so she can't hear them so she starts using ASL to talk but none of them understand her until Rossi walks in (they all thought she was rude)

I love this idea!

Third person pov...

Y/N Rossi loves her Dad, really she does but sometimes the Italian surprises her sometimes, such as now.

The teenager stares at her Dad with a deadpan look, Rossi rolls his eyes. 'Don't give me that look, come on It will be nice for you to finally meet them' signs Dave as his daughters face doesn't change.

So Dave changes his approach. 'Please Pumpkin for me' he signs, the Italian couldn't believe he was literally begging his teenage daughter to come meet his new team at work.

A man of his age doing this who would of thought, Y/N continues staring at her Dad before sighing softly giving up, She watches as her Dad cheers ans claps his hands.

The Agent then walks around the kitchen isle and hugs his daughter tightly kissing her cheeks with a smile Y/N relented and hugged him back jsut as tightly.

When her Dads pulled back he started signing again. 'Thank you sweetie, arw you ready to go?' He asks her, Y/N thinks for a moment before nodding.

'Let's go!' Sighs Dave before Him and Y/N walk out of the door and into the car. "I can't believe I let you do this' signs the teenager crossing her arms.

Her Dad smiles and signs back. 'Because you know you want to meet them too' He signs as his teenager pouted, Dave continues smiling whole drive to his work.


Once they arrive Y/N is nervous, she is nervous as hell. Even her Dad could tell she was nervous.

The Dad ruffles his daughters hair playfully making the girl smile and look up at him. 'They will love you Honey, don't worry' he promised, Y/N smiled she knew she could trust her Dad.

Taking a deep breath Y/N got out if the car, Rossi lookedat how grown up his daughter was and smile like a proud papa bear.

He locked the doors and wrapped an arm around Y/N who welcomed the familiar touch, the two Italians the  make their way into the building and into the elevator.

'Almost there' signs Dave letting his daughter know it was almost time.

Y/N squares her shoulders and walks Confidently out of the elevator and onto the floor, Dave holds her hand and walks the teenager into the bullpen where the others were talking and laughing.

Y/N looks around at everything around her wanting to look at everything, As they walked closer to a group of familiar looking people. Y/n had seen a picture of everyone before and heard all thr stories from her Dad.

"Children! Settle down children" Yelled Dave successfully getting everyone to shut up. Four of them glared at Rossi but soon turned into laughter, it must be a usual greeting for them.

"Guys I want to introduce you all to my Daughter Y/N, Y/N this Is everyone" Rossi introduces turning to face hid daughter when he spoke.

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