BAU team x Child victim reader

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Just watched the last episode of Sherlock and thought if this idea for a oneshot.

Summary: A child wakes up on a plane everyone around her is asleep even the driver, she is the only one awake with knowone to help her.

Third person pov...

The airport was filled with people and families trying to get on the right flight, Currently the L/N family had just got through security. Mrs L/N was holding her daughters hand as they grabbed their bags.

"Hurry up Y/F/N" she yells as her husband teails behind, Mr L/N dragging the heavy luggage behind. It was currently 7pm their flight was for 8pm, 8 year old Y/N was tired of walking they had driven down from their home in Los Angeles.

"I'm tired can we get on the plane yet" yawned the child as her Dad laughed, he then grabbed her and put the tired girl on top of the suitcase he was pulling.

The girl giggles and holds on to the handle her legs swinging, the laughter drew peoples eyes they smiled at the sight. "Happier Honey?" Asks her Dad as the 8 year old Continues to giggle her exhaustion momentarily forgotten.

Mrs L/N rolls her eyes at her husband and daughter but smiles, at least they can sleep on the plane, their flight was 5hours and 18 minutes from California to Virginia from one side to the other side of America.

Soon the family of three are able to sit as they wait to board their plane. Y/N fidgets in her chair she was bored then saw someone a man he was looking around almost scared.

Y/N stared at him, when he saw an 8 year old watching she quickly looked away and turns to her Dad who gives her his phone to play on.

"Come on N/N time to board!" Exclaimed Mr L/N, Y/N cheers and runs to stand behind the other passengers, she couldn't wait to get to Virginia, she was visiting her grandparents.

Y/N and her Mum sit while her Dad finishes putting the luggage they broughton board in the overhead compartments. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard, we are flighing from California to Virginia we are currently expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time" comes the pilots voice once again Y/N dad gives her his phone.

Soon they were taking off and on their way to Virginia. Throughout the flight Y/N slept and played on the phone, the battery was still pretty full so her Dad didn't worry.

2 hours into the flight...

It was 10pm with 3 hours to go, Y/N was half asleep half awake, she was watching a movie on her Dads phone, next to her was her Mum who had fallen asleep as the plane took off.

Pausing the movie Y/N turns in her seat her seat belt off, the 8 year old shook her Dads shoulder gaining his attention. "Daddy, I need the toilet"she whispers the man smiles and points towards the back of the plane.

"Thanks daddy" she says and slips from the seat, putting the phone on the seat behind her, the 8 year old then wlaks to the bathroom, wobbling because of the turbulence.

Soon she made it, when she was done she washed dher hands and opened the door, when she did she was surprised to see the airhostess on the floor, Y/Ns confused.

She walks over tk try and waken then up but they didn't, Y/N was scared. "Daddy, Mommy?" She yells before rrunnig to her seat, as she did she realised she couldn't hear any babies crying.

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now