Aaron Hotchner x Daughter reader

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Another Hotch one because I miss him it's been 4 seasons without him, I miss him so much so I have to write this.

Summary: Y/N, Haley and Jack are found by Foyet, Y/N knows instantly who he is because she made her Dad tell her all about him before they went into witness protection.

Y/N is 12

Angst alot of angst in this one
Dead of a person
Emotions lots of Emotions

Third person pov...

Haley gets a call on he phone, she is shocked when an employee of the U.S. Marshal service, claims that her safety has been compromised and her ex-husband and Sam were both dead.

She ends the call telling him wher ether were and quickly ends the call, 12 year old Y/N walks over to her Mum. "What's wrong Mum?" She asks her, Haley quickly wipes her tears and looks down at her daughter.

"Don't worry honey, Sam has got into some trouble and don't worry another Marshall is coming" she reassures her suspicious daughter who is alot like her Ex-Husband. Y/N raises an eyebrow "What about Dad, is he okay?" She asks knowing something else happened during the call, Haley smiles sadly at her daughter.

"It is about your Dad Honey, he died trying to find Foyet" she said quietly not wanting Jack to hear. Y/N felt her heart drop, her mouth hung open as she took in what her mum siad. "Dad. Isn't. Dead" she whispers to herself as she tried to not cry.

Haley pulls her daughter in for a hug she had always been a Daddy's girl always wanted to be like her dad. When she pulled away Y/N sat down next tto Jack nad continued playing with him.

Soon the door goes and Haley goes to answer, she let's the Marshall in and they walk to the living room, where Y/N and Jack are playing.

The minute another marshal other than U.S. Marshal Sam Kassmeyer came through the door when her Mum opened the door Y/N was on high alert, she instantly recognises the man who came in pretending to be a Marshall.

'George Foyet' she thinks her body freezing, as she watches him out of the corner of her eye, he then speaks to her mum before sitting opposite her and Jack and starts playing. Y/N quickly excuses herself and stand by her Mum, she then turns her head to look like she was looking put the window before whispering.

"Mum" she whispers getting the attention of Haley, the woman goes to move but Y/N stops her. "Don't stand like that it will seem less suspicious" she whispers making her mum nod and stop moving, the girl takes a deep breath. "You know what dad said about Foyet?" Asks the 12 year old.

She sees her Mum nod out of the corner of her eyes. "The man currently in the room is him, I recognise him from the pictures Dad showed me before we went into witness protection" she whispers, as she says who he is Haley freezes her son is sitting opposite a Serial Killer who tried to killer her Ex-Husband.

"Are you sure Y/N" she whispers, Y/N squares her shoulders "Yes mum" she said seriously, Haley sucks in a breath before going over to Jack and Foyet and sitting next to her son.

"I'm going to my room" said Y/N before leaving quickly to her room, the 12 year old was prepared for something like this to happen to them, alot like her dad she is ready for the worst and will protect her family if she needs too.

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