Spencer Reid x ADHD daughter reader

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Got another request!

Summary: Hey bestie, could you do one where the reader is this little angsty 12 yr old with adhd? you can go on with the rest <33

Third person pov...

The moment Y/N woke up she knew it would be a horrible day, The 12 year old was woken up by her Dad shaking her shoulder. "Hey N/N you need to wake up!" He said loudly effectively waking his daughter up, thw teen quickly opened her eyes and looked around at her alarm clock.

7.40am Her eyes widened "shit!" She yelled leaping out of bed and landing on the floor, the 12 year old then shuffled around trying to find clothes and her stuff for school, as she did this her Dad was packing her lunch for her knowing she was already stressed from getting up late.

5 minutes later thr 12 year old was running down the stairs with 20 minutes to spare, Spencer shook his head at his Daughter smiling before he grabbed his stuff and also ran out the door locking it behind him, when he arrived at FBI academy he saw the team all at their desk with piles of paper work.

"No cases?" He asks them, Morgan looks over at the youngest agent "not today Pretty Boy, we are behind on paperwork so today we are at the office" he explains. Spencer sighs and sits down at the his desk, he then looks at the pile of cases on his desk, it will be along day.

With Y/N...

The 12 year old sprints to school, whe had 10 minutes to get to homeroom on time. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit" she curses as she runs, soon the 12 year old makes it to her classroom and sits next to her friends.

As she sits down she instantly starts whispering to her friends. "Morning Guys" she said to them masking the girl and boy turn around. "Hey Y/N, you go here on time then" said G/N making Y/N roll her eyes, she then looked out the window and saw some students playing basketball.

As she watches them her Homeroom teacher starts calling out the register. As he gets to Y/Ns name he once again sees her looking out the window with her knee on the desk fiddling with her pen, the teacher walks over to her.

The 12 year old hadn't noticed until the man coughed making the girl jump almost falling out of her chair, the girl then looked up at her teacher. "Haha Morning Mr Harris" she said to him, Mr Harris only sighs "good Morning Reid, forgetting anything?" He asks the girl raising an eyebrow.

Y/N is confused. "Forgot what sir?" She asks, the teacher sighs and motions towards the class who all have their books out and are ready to write. The girls eyes widen  "oooh yes,  of course sorry sir" she said, thr 12 year old had been distracted by the basketball that she forgot to take her book  out

"Wonderful start to the day" she mumbled rummaging around in her bag, she couldn't find her notes. Her eyes widened in horror "shiiittttt" she says smacking her forehead. She forgot to grab it from her desk, Spencer had been helping her with homework the night before.

"Fucksake!" She exclaims her day keeps getting better and better. For the rest of the day nothing went right to the overwhelmed girl, first waking up late, forgetting her notebook, then getting called out for not sitting correctly, then  ot bring able to concentrate in class as always because if her ADHD, the last straw was when she was trying to open her lunch but she pulled to much and everything flew out making everyone stare at her.

The 12 year olds eyes filled with tears, the H/C girl ran to the bathroom and started crying on the toilet, she cried and cried for hours because of how overwhelmed she was, the only thing the stopped her was the bell ring letting the girl know the day was over, Y/N sniffled and grabbed her stuff.

As the 12 year old made her way home she was thinking about her dad and how much she needed him and she needed a hug, when she got home the door was locked so she went to find her key when she remembered it wasn't on its usual key ring.

The girl smacked her head on the door in anger trying to control it, she sighs sadly knowing she will have to go to her Dads works to get his door key, thr 12 year old begins making her way to the fBI academy where her Dad and his Team are.

With Reid...

Spencer was reading another case file when he saw the time, it was 4pm his daughter should have messaged him hald an hour ago saying she got home okay, the man was confused and considered calling his daughter before the elevator opened and out walked his daughter.

The profiler looked at his Daughter, she had red puffy eyes, her hands were cremched around her bag and her face was sad vert different to her usual happy smile, the man was concerned what happened to her. Thr 12 year old walked into the bullpen and looked at her Dad.

She the ran pass her dad coworkers, she fell tears in her eyes, thr 12 year old threw her bag down and jumped onto her dad lap and buried her head in his neck, arms wrapped around hid shoulders and she sobbed.

The man instantly held his daughter as she cried ans rubbed her back Comforting her as she cried, the teens cried made the other Agents look over, they knew Spencer had a daughter who had ADHD.

The man then picked her up and carried his still crying daughter to thebround table and sat down in a chair with her, the Agent rubbed her back helping her calm down as she cried.

When her cries stopped and only sniffles were hard Soencer held out a pack of tissues for her, the girl took them and wiped her nose tears still streaming down her face, the man began rocking slightly knowing it would help her, as he did this Y/N rested her head against his chest her ear against his heart hearing the thump off it.

She had cried alot. "Overwhelming day?" Asked the profiler, Y/N nods her head not be able to talk, Spencer nods and kissed her head and tucked her clae letting his daughter fall asleep knowing she is better in his arms.

The end!

Hope you liked it, sorry is been so long since I last updated but here is another Spencer Reid x Daughter reader. As always so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!

Request are open!

Word count: 1155

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