Spencer x Morgan x teen!fem!reader

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Request: Okayyy soooo just another idea I had😅

Spencer x Morgan x teen!fem!reader

They are giving a lecture (?) about safety to readers class during a local case. After the students are dismissed, the reader approaches the guys and asks if she could talk to them privately. She tells them that her parents are the killers they are looking for and she tries to walk away as soon as she says so but derek grabs her arm to stop her and notices that she is practically skin and bones. Basically, they make her talk after making the teacher leave them alone. She confesses that they are not exactly the best parents but refuses to accept that she is being abused.Long story short, she wants to go away for college but can't do that because of them and recently found out about the killings they did so she is willing to tell on them as long as they don't know it's her. Maybe Morgan or reid end up giving her their number and kinda keeping in touch and after their arrest, reader sends a huge ass box of cookies to the team.

Third person pov...

It was no shock that the FBI were called in to catch the serial killer targeting people high schoolers in the Minnesota area, the team are on their way currently. "so lets talk victimology, They were all from the same Minnesota high school and had the same eye colour, hair colour and were the same age" Says Derek Morgan looking down at the file in his hands.

The team think. "from the looks of it they were kidnapped after school and then were killed, there wrists were slashed open, they were left to die slowly" says Emily, JJ shivers slightly.

"this unsub is Organised from how he abducts the girls, when he starts his torture he becomes sadistic and sloppy, I think we are dealing with two Unsubs" speaks Hotch the team think, it makes sense two unsubs.

"so a team, what are we thinking siblings, partners, friends, married couple" lists Rossi. "not sure yet" says JJ, then Penelope comes on the screen. "hello my lovely people, I have information about our Vics" says the usually bubbly woman.

"lets have it mama" says Derek, Penelope begins clicking away. "right one thing they all had in common was of course the age and same high school but they did all end up going to the same middle school near the where they were all found" says Penelope.

"I have sent you the coordinates, seen you later my loves".

"Thank you Garcia" Says Spencer.

Hotch closes the file "okay we are landing soon, Reid and Morgan you take the high school, at the minute we don't know enough about the unsubs so don't tell anyone yet, JJ and Rossi you go to the coroner's office, Prentiss you and I will set up at the station and work from the coordinates" says Hotch the team nod and the plane starts its decent.

Time skip...

It had been a day and the team know that the unsubs are a team, specifically a married couple, from how the bodied were place in an almost motherlike way, and there was no sexual assault, which indicate the girls are someone they are close to but instead hurt people who look like her.

Currently Morgan and Spencer have been tasked with going to the high school and giving the profile to the students and staff to see if they know anything or anyone who fits it.

"now guys if you see anyone who fits this profile make sure you call either the police or us my number is on the cards we gave out at the start, that's all be safe" says Derek, the students then begin getting up and leaving the hall where they gathered.

As they are getting ready to leave a teenager approaches them looking nervous, the H/C girl taps Morgans arms making the two turn around. "hey there you need something?" morgan askes her, she goes to speak but sees her teacher waiting.

"I need to speak to you privately"she whispers, Derek then motions to Reid and the three move out of the hall andoutside the school, once they are far enough away they talk. Derek turns to theteen. "so whats up?" he asks her, the girl hesitates looking around nervously before answering.

 "I know who you are looking for, its my parents" she says before walking away, she doesn't get far before Derek grabs her arms stopping her. This makes the girl flinch derek notices.

He then notices how she is practically skin and bones. 'Unsub parents mean not good childhood' thinks the agent. "why tell us this?" asks Derek, the girl sighs knowing she wont be getting away now.

The teen known as Y/N L/N confesses that they are not exactly the best parents but refuses to accept that she is being abused. Long story short, she wants to go away for college but can't do that because of them and recently found out about the killings they did so she is willing to tell on them as long as they don't know it's her.

Derek and Spencer are shocked by the end of her story, the man smiles at her comfortingly. "but you have to promise you wont say who told you they arw the killer okay, they cant find out I told you if they do, ill be the next victim" she says seriously.

Derek and Spencer nod there heads they wont find out their own daughter told the FBI. "thank you for telling us, we promise we will do everything to put them away for good, heres my number call me if you need anything" says Morgan.

The teen tears up, she wraps her thin scarred arms around morgan. "r-really you will" she whimpers and she cried on his tshirt, the man looks at Reid who nods before hugging the girl back, knowing she needed the comfort.

"of course we will" he says, Y/N lets out a watery smile. 'finally ill be safe'

Time skip..

The team have caught Y/Ns parents as they were torturing their sixth and last victim, once they arrived back Morgan received a message from Y/N, she told him how she was being put with her grandparents who she never meet before and how happy she was that they caught them.

After that every few months a box of cookies would appear on Derek or Spencers desk, both knowing who is was from, it always came with a note and letter from Y/N she tells them about her life and makes sure to stay in contact with Derek, the man who saved her life.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Request are open!

Word cound: 1155

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now