Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Son Reader

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Hello. May I request a Jennifer Jareau x son reader where the reader and his friends were just attacked by the unsub that the BAU have been looking for and Jj saves him (maybe Jj comforts the reader or the reader gets slightly injured?)

Never had a JJ Son reader should be fun

Third person pov...

Y/N Jareau was enjoying playing with his friends at a park near his house, they had just finished school for the week and were spending a few hours playing on the play ground.

After having grown up surrounded by the world of crime and serial killers, Y/N knew what signs to search for if he or his friends were in danger, JJ had always made sure to shield him from the gruesome details of her job.

But sometimes some would slip out, but she understood she couldn't protect him for everything. Instead his mother taught him to use his eyes and ears if anything felt off.

Currently JJ was on a case, they had been chasing a psychotic killer who targets children, usually groups of them at a park with no parents around to see them and tells them about a cool Fort he found.

The ones who followed would be killed and beaten, the ones who didn't escaped but they couldn't help much as they never saw the creeps face as he wore a mask.

The killer had managed to get away with 15 counts of murder in different cities, this time they tracked him from North Carolina where he killed two more kids to Virginia.

JJ was worried, her son was exactly like the victims who were kidnapped and killed, she hoped her son went straight home after school.

"Come on N/N!" Yelled one of Y/Ns friends, laughing the boy jumps off the swing and begins chasing his friend who called him.

"I'm coming!" He yelled back, the 4 boys laugh as they each grab a stick and pretend to be pirates using the equipment as their ship. "I captain Y/N sentence you to death! Walk the plank" Giggles Y/N poking his friend in the back with his 'sword'

The 'plank' being the metal pole that you can slide down, still laughing the young boy walking forward, holding the pole he dramatically slid down to his 'death'

As they played Y/N felt his skin prickle with unease as if someone was watching them. Using the height from the equipment the young boy looked around them.

As he did he spotted a figure standing just outside the gates to the playground, shivering though there was no wind Y/N burned the persons description into his brain. 'Just incase' he thought.

Before his mum left for her case Y/N peeked a look at her file and saw her latest case, this situation felt alot like his Mum's case.

They all continued playing, each time he would look over the figure would slowly get closer to the park, making Y/Ns suspicions correct. Staying near his friends Y/N grabs his phone.

As he goes to call his mum he was interrupted by one of his friends, looking up he saw the dark figure leaning over the fence talking to his best friend.

"Hey kid, I found a cool Fort in the forest want to see it?" Asked a young sounding voice, slowly Y/N made his way over to his friends.

Each boy looked at each other before grinning. "Uh yeah we would!" Excaimed everyone but Y/N, the guy then began walking to the entrance to the forest with the group if children behind him.

Y/N stayed behind his friends, he had a bad feeling. After a few minutes of walking they arrive at a normal looking tree, each boy in confused. "You liar there's nothing here!" "This is crap" "let's go back guys" each boy shouts out.

Before they could leave the creep takes out a knife and points it at them. "Your not going anywhere" he tells them, fear settles in their stomach as they watch the guy wave the knife infront of them

"Split up!" Exlains one of the boys, all four take off in different directions, as they ran Y/N calls his Mum, as he ran he begged her to answer.

"Pickup pickup pickup- Y/N?"

"MUM!" Yells Y/N so happy to hear her voice. "Y/N baby what's going on?" Yells JJ, Y/N continues to run as he answered.

"Mum I need help, I'm being chased by a killer, I think it's your unsub please we are by the park- gotcha!" Y/N is cut off as he is caught by the killer.

A cry of pain rips through the young boys throat as he drops his phone to the ground, holding his arm where he was sliced by the knife.

Crawling backwards away from the psycho Y/Ns kept his eyes on the man, jacket staining with his blood as he grips his wound. "Get away from me! Where are my friends!" He demands, his only response was a cruel laugh.

Tears in his eyes Y/N glares at the creep. "No! You-why are you doing this" he demands this timing getting an answer, holding the knife tightly the creep answers.

"Because you don't deserve to be happy, or have friends. Knowone does" Y/N contin moving backwards. 'Just keep him talking, mum will be here soon' he thinks to himself, trying tk keep the guy busy.

"But why? Did something happen?" He asks, silently looking around the forest for a clue that his friends where still a alive, dread filled his stomach making its way up his chest to his throat as he saw nothing.

"Did something happen? Did something happen? Of course something happend, betrayal that's what happend" Y/N rolled to dodge a slice of the knife cutting a piece of his hair.

Feeling his legs he stands slowly, feeling dizzy from the slice to his arm. "B-but that's not my fault" cries the boy, the unsub only laughs.

"Sure it isn't" he goes to slice again, covering his face in his hands Y/N only Begs that his mum will appear, suddenly a gunshot is heard followed by a cry on pain and a thud.

A rush of shoes are heard, leaves snapped as the young boy shivered in fear. "Y/N!" Yells a familiar voice, pulling away from his blood covered hands the young boy looked up.

As he did he screamed seeing the body of the killer in front of him, he began to crawl backwards, not feeling steady enough to stand. "Y/N baby!" Cries the voice again.

This time Y/N definitely knows it, turning towa it he also passed out as he saw his mum making her way towards him, sobbing relieved he was safe he colapsed into his Mothers arms.

Shushing her son JJ held him tightly to her as the H/C boy cried. "You came" he sobbed, JJ smiles through her tears and strokes his ruffled hair holding him.

"Of course I did, I'm sorry I was late baby"

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, aiming to wrote three tonight for you all! Wish me luck
sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1230

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now