Spencer Reid x Autistic sister reader

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Request: i was wondering if I could get a Spencer Reid with a 14 year old sister with Autism and she usually wears headphones to block out the loud and unnecessary noises around here(Like me) and like one day at school there's a substitute teacher that saw her walking in the hallway to her next class and was like "No ma'am give me the headphones" so she kinda 'ran' to a bathroom and hid in one of the stalls and quickly texted Spencer about it because she was getting very overwhelmed

Third person pov...

Since starting highschool Y/N Reid had been known by teachers as the one girl who was aloud to wear headphones throughout the day.

Before she started her older Brother Spencer Reid fought to get her accommodations on her student data to teachers can check and see what he has in place.

Of course there were a couple who would argue but Spencer was having no of it, his sister was his responsibility and she would get the accommodations she required.

Anyone who argued had to deal with a pissed off FBI agent who could profile everything about you in a minute.

After he profiled the Gym teacher as being a pedophile after the arsehole said how Y/N shouldn't get special treatment, the teachers agreed and never crossed him again.

As usual Y/N was walking to her next class with her best friend of course with her headphones on, as they walked through the many people suddenly Y/N felt her headphones come off.

"No ma'am give me the headphones" came a snooty voice behind her, Y/N,couldn't hear it over the overwhelming sounds.

She was bombarded with so many sounds and different voices that's she yelled and covered her ears with her hands as her only protection was gone.

Without realising she had fallen to the floor and was rocking back and forth against the lockers trying hard to cover her ears from the sounds.

The pain helped as she banged her head against the lockers hoping it would ground herself only it wasn't helping nothing was working, she scratched at her arms as groups of students surrounded her trying to see what was happening.

"Hey you fuckers go bother someone else don't you know what an Autistic Meltdown looks like" yells Y/Ns best friend she managed to shoo everyone off who was looking.

Soon the noise stopped but Y/N didn't stop trying to self sooth, she had trear falling down her cheeks but didn't bother to whipe them, she still had her hands covering her ears blocking everything out.

Suddenly her headphones where back on her head and everything was quiet all the voices and sounds. She then stood up on shaking legs and ran to the nearest bathroom not caring if it was the men or ladies.

Her best friend was left to glare at the teacher it was a substitute one of course. The teacher didn't care about the Meltdown she induced.

"What a freak, crying over a simple thing like that" she says as B/F/Ns glare hardened. "You bitch Y/N is not a freak she is autistic and had a meltdown because of you!" They exclaim.

Thr teacher glares at thr student. "Don't speak to me like that, I'll be reporting you both to the Headmaster now" she says before stalking off to the office.

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